Mimo Monitors and BrightSign, leading industry digital signage experts, share their best insights and strategies for maximizing digital signage to add value for the customer and cultivate engagement
CHICAGO, IL—April 2019— Mimo Monitors (www.MimoMonitors.com), the experts in small touchscreen displays, joined forces with BrightSign, to share their top five tips and best practices for digital signage. Both industry leaders in the digital signage space, Mimo Monitors and BrightSign believe in the far-reaching impacts and value that effective digital signage can have towards customer engagement, cultivating loyalty, and ultimately, the bottom line.
To watch the video of their top five tips visit here:
“With more noise than ever competing for customer’s attention, we know that utilizing digital signage effectively and in an engaging way is crucial,” said Jeff Hastings, CEO of BrightSign. “That’s why one of our most highly recommended tips is to make digital signage interactive. Interactivity is key to capturing attention and can directly add value both to the customer and the retailer.”
Mimo Monitors- Bright Sign Five Tips Press release FINAL FOR WIRE-PDF