Temperature Kiosk – IPVM Bad Georgia Deal – Reverse Best Practice

By | September 20, 2020

Temperature Screening Update IPVM – 9/20

temperature kioskWe wanted to update our information on thermal temperature screening. The best source for that is IPVM which tests all types of devices and reports on the “bad actors”. We do not like having to comment negatively on events but when it is in the interest of the public and American taxpayers we have to speak up.

No Blackbody Mistake, Half Million Dollar, Hikvision Fever Camera System in Georgia

By: Charles Rollet, Published on Sep 16, 2020 |  

A Georgia school district touted buying Hikvision fever screening “about $2,000 cheaper per camera” with no blackbody for a total cost of a half a million dollars, despite the fact that these calibration devices are crucial for accuracy.

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Author: Staff Writer

Craig Keefner is the editor and author for Kiosk Association and kiosk industry. With over 30 years in the industry and experience in large and small kiosk solutions, Craig is widely considered to be an expert in the field. Major kiosk projects for him include Verizon Bill Pay kiosk and hundreds of others.