Kiosk Patent RTC Litigation

By | January 6, 2015

Kiosk Patent  “449” & RTC

The information here is regarding legal actions related to patent “449” for equipping a kiosk with WiFi basically. Actions began in July of 2014 and still in progress. A total of 14 actions.



For reference as of today here are the closed cases: Catalina, Zivelo, Phoenix, Flex, StoreKraft, Slabb & Digiboo.

The “still Open” suits are: KIS, Olea, Meridian and Dustshield (parent for Phoenix).


1/6/2015:  several more litigants have settled including Slabb and Phoenix Kiosk and Zivelo. They join Catalina, Flextronics and Store Kraft in the “closed” category.  Opens are:  Kodak, KIS, Fab Concepts, Olea, Digiboo, Acosta, Advantage Sales and Dustshield.

12/5:  Advantage Sales and Marketing of California added as 449 litigant. Open in Initial Pleadings

From the complaint:  On information and belief, Defendant Advantage Sales & Marketing LLC is a California corporation with a principal place of business at 18100 Von Karman Avenue, Irvine, California 92612. Defendant makes, uses and sells wireless interactive consumer video systems, including, but not limited to, systems and applications utilizing its “Advantage Retail Technology Services” platform, described at services# and in the video located at the same website address. These interactive systems and applications allow users to interact wirelessly through a tablet or other media with back end or back office computers, point-of-sale data, and other data, including interacting with software or applications that provide presentations with graphics or video content. Defendant does business on a regular basis in Illinois and in this District, including making, using, selling and/or offering

New litigant 12/04: Acosta Sales and Marketing. Open in Initial Pleadings.

RTC Litigation


Click to expand

Abstract:   On March 4, 1997, the UUSPO issued Patent No. 5,608,449 (“the ‘449 patent”) entitled “Wireless  Interactive Consumer Video System.” RTC is the owner of the ‘449 patent.

Defendant has been and still is infringing and inducing infringement of the ‘449 patent by making, using, offering to sell, selling, and/or importing wireless interactive consumer video systems, including, list of systems, in Illinois.

Update on litigation(s)

10/31/2014 —  Digiboo added

10/30/2014 — Meridian, Slabb & Phoenix added to list

10/29/2014 —   Olea Kiosks added to list

Also appears the Kraft and Flextronix suits status has changed to “Closed”

Reference link for patent


patent text

  • Catalina Marketing  (multiple)
  • Zivelo
  • Kodak Alaris Inc.  (mobile to picture kiosk)
  • Store Kraft  (Kohl’s department store)
  • KIS (Kiosk Information Systems)
  • Flextronics  (Redbox)

Products “accused” include:


  • Redbox


  • C-Store Network
  • Buyer Vision
  • Mobile
  • Digital Rewards

Store Kraft

  • Kohl’s


  • C2 Desktop Public Terminals, C3 Wallmount Public Terminals, C6 Thin,  Floorstanding Public Terminals, C7 Floorstanding Public Terminals, C10

KIS (KIOSK Information Systems)

Defendant makes, uses and sells wireless interactive consumer video systems, including kiosk systems which Defendant refers to as Caddie, Fairway, Portal, Thinman, Stealth,  Edge H.D., Edge, Contour Financial Series, Arch, and Wedge, which are installed in numerous  Case: 1:14-cv-06683 Document #: 1 Filed:

08/29/14 Page 1 of 5 PageID #:1 2 locations, and are depicted at On information and belief,  Defendant does business on a regular basis in Illinois and in this District, including making,  using, selling and/or offering for sale its wireless interactive consumer video systems in Illinois and this District which infringe RTC’s rights under the patent asserted herein.

Links for RTC

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Author: Staff Writer

Craig Keefner -- With over 40 years in the industry and technology, Craig is widely considered to be an expert in the field. Major early career kiosk projects include Verizon Bill Pay kiosk and hundreds of others. Craig helped start kioskmarketplace and formed the KMA. Note the point of view here is not necessarily the stance of the Kiosk Association or