China Kiosk Touchscreen Suppliers

By | December 14, 2023
EKAA China touchscreen

Chinese Kiosk Touchscreen Resources

China kiosk manufacturers have always been competing with US kiosk manufacturers but generally succeeding most in the Middle East markets where it is more difficult for a US kiosk manufacturer.  Tariffs have hurt China but the base price is still often 3X less (on just straight price). Some of them have changed shipping strategy and ship from Vietnam. Best to talk, understand and get to know Chinese kiosk companies in general though. The upfront price of components are very different than the cost of components, especially over time when service, maintenance and support raise their ugly head. Relevant links include:

  • Contacting:  We use WhatsApp and APAC Group is there.  [email protected] is email to use and I need a description and your email to add you to weekly maillist.
  • Here is the online China Kiosk Manufacturer database. You can modify or add yourself
  • The database includes devices like bill payment devices, POS terminals, thin clients, media players, RFID scanners, LCDs and touchscreens
  • Say what you might but 99% of AIO touch computers are made in China.
  • Sample pricing is often included on For Sale database — farther below here are some actual quotes (XLS and PDFs). Quotes are always good at the time of issue, not necessarily now.
  • Touchscreens seem to be specialty. Probably due to proximity to BOE, LG, AUO and Samsung (99% of glass).  China generally uses their own PCAP and IR touch controllers.  You can always just buy the screen without touch and there are multiple “non-china” companies which can apply touchscreen. Will cost more of course up front but maybe longterm maybe not.
  • Robotics is big for Asia (Japan and China) . Orionstar and Alpha are two we follow
  • Parcel Lockers — another big China deal (think Amazon Hubs). We were surprised by the high interest in lockers at the NRA 2024 show. We recommend Zhilai. If we didn’t know better we might think they do Amazon lockers all over the world and the USPS lockers. Highly configurable and available with US software if that makes a difference (Nanonation)
  • AI Assist — Quite a bit in Korea and Japan for sure. Big dead end with Chinese here… Chinese net doesn’t permit direct AI use of US mechanisms.Disadvantage of lifelong leaders perhaps? For AI Assist & self order you need to contact Nanonation. For AI Wayfinding 22Miles has won multiple awards and was an early adopter and has most mature. AcquireDigital is on 22Miles heels for sure.

Featured Listings

  • Everybody knows Pearl at EKAA

    Click for ful size Everybody knows Pearl at EKAA

    EKAAGreat stuff and you would be pleasantly surprised the companies they OEM for. Reminded me of Swecoin who used to ship their printers in official IBM packaging.  Contact Pearl and tell her Craig sent you. She’s tough but fair and you might get a discount. Everybody knows Pearl!

  • EKAA — we are doing deep dive on ULTRA SLIM wayfinding touch monitors and menu board from EKAA. Remember wall-mounts cannot extend more than 4 inches as mounted (101 mm for those who use precise measuring systems…)
  • RC Stars — great selection of digital signage screens.
  • Vast Vision — some nice AIO units + counter tops ala Samsung + POS cash registers
  • Window facing LED signage. Hi Bright and 86″. Wow. LG calls it double-sided kiosk. LG also showed conventional standup kiosk (no stilts or poles). Good chance to use Starwars an AT walker. Videos included.
Typical price sheet from China kiosk vendor

Typical price sheet from China kiosk vendor (2024 RCStars)

Best thing is to send your email to [email protected] or [email protected] so I can add you to the weekly email send. Join the WhatsApp group where I post twice a week.  You can add yourself to the database list and can comment and add description. I will approve.  My mobile is 720-324-1837 and Whatsapp or Telegram are fine.

作为 LinkedIn 上的半主要联系人,我每周会收到 10 个左右的中国公司的联系请求,但我从不联系。我通常会发送一条消息并将他们推荐到此页面。

最好的办法是将您的电子邮件发送至 [email protected],以便我可以将您添加到每周发送的电子邮件中。加入 WhatsApp 群组,我每周发帖两次。您可以将自己添加到数据库列表中,并可以发表评论和添加描述。我会批准的。我的手机是 720-324-1837,Whatsapp 或 Telegram 都可以。

Guidelines For Participation

Actual Chinese Kiosk Touchscreen Quotes

China Kiosk Company Online Database

Cool Video of Chinese Lockers for Healthcare

Author: Staff Writer

Craig Keefner -- With over 40 years in the industry and technology, Craig is widely considered to be an expert in the field. Major early career kiosk projects include Verizon Bill Pay kiosk and hundreds of others. Craig helped start kioskmarketplace and formed the KMA. Note the point of view here is not necessarily the stance of the Kiosk Association or