touchscreen monitor kiosk

Touchscreen Monitor Kiosk

POS Touchscreen Monitor Providers

The interactive screen or touchscreen monitor display is the primary interface for self-service kiosks.  At one time it was considered fully optional, now it is pretty much a given (though some keyboard apps still exist).

The top touch technologies are projected capacitance, analog resistive, surface capacitive, infrared (IR), and surface acoustic wave (SAW). However, SAW, projected capacitive and analog resistive make up 90% of the total market.  In 2019 we added contactless touchscreens.  There are also several options for purchasing the touch overlay separately and applying to a display. This is a common solution for larger touchscreens using IR for example.  TSI Displays is one of those suppliers.

Best Touch Screen Kiosk Monitor Manufacturers

Best Interactive Touch Screen Software

  • Interactive Touch-Screen Kiosk Technology

    5-Wire Resistive Touchscreen

    has been the most widely used touch technology. Indestructible and works under maximum conditions. A resistive touch screen monitor is composed of a glass panel and a film screen, each covered with a thin metallic layer, separated by a narrow gap. When a user touches the screen, the two metallic layers make contact, resulting in electrical flow. The point of contact is detected by this change in voltage.

    SAW (Surface Acoustic Wave) touchscreen

    19 inch touchscreens — touch screen monitors utilize a series of piezoelectric transducers and receivers along the sides of the monitor’s glass plate to create an invisible grid of ultrasonic waves on the surface. When the panel is touched, a portion of the wave is absorbed. This allows the receiving transducer to locate the touch point and send this data to the computer. SAW monitors can be activated by a finger, gloved hand, or soft-tip stylus. SAW monitors offer easy use and high visibility. !

    Projected Capacitive Touchscreen – large touchscreens

    is similar to Surface Capacitive, but it offers two primary advantages: in addition to a bare finger, it can also be activated with surgical gloves or thin cotton gloves; and it enables multi-touch activation (simultaneous input from two fingers). A projected capacitive is composed of a sheet of glass with embedded transparent electrode films and an IC chip, which creates a three dimensional electrostatic field. When a finger comes into contact with the screen, the ratios of the electrical currents change and the computer is able to detect the touch points.

    Surface capacitive touchscreen technology

    Surface capacitive (s-cap or surface cap) is a declining technology and is now mostly used in legacy gaming and amusement machines. One positive aspect of surface capacitive is that its optics are as good as projected capacitive and the sensor dimensions can be larger.

    Infrared touchscreen

    monitors do not overlay the display with an additional screen or screen sandwich. Instead, infrared monitors use IR emitters and receivers to create an invisible grid of light beams across the screen. This ensures the best possible image quality. When an object interrupts the invisible infrared light beam, the sensors are able to locate the touch point.

    touchscreen monitor comparison

    touch screen monitor comparison Click to expand

    Comparison of Elotouch technologies —  comparison2007

    Contactless Touchscreen

    There are contactless options. See our brief on Touchless Touchscreens

    More info Touchscreen Displays

    Surface mount, rear projection, specialty, tabletops and more for Touchscreen

      • Perch Interactive
      • SpyeGlass (rear projection)
      • Brookview Technologies
      • based in UK
      • Ideum – featured 3M in table top 46 at DSE 2014 –

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