Biometric Kiosks – Thales Biometric Devices Now Available at UCP

By | October 20, 2022
biometric kiosk Thales UCP

Biometric Kiosk News

Unattended Card Payments Inc. (UCP) has announced the expansion of its product portfolio to include Thales document readers and biometric scanners. For more information email [email protected]

In today’s digital world where self-service is common, there is a need to provide different industries with products that address Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements. Multiple industries need a safe and secure way to ensure KYC compliance at their kiosks. Popular airport kiosks used for expedited security line access and border crossings are just two examples of document readers and biometric scanners being used in self-service. Other industries such as gaming, hospitality, and age-restricted retail also need a solution for automated KYC.

Thales’s line of document readers and their proprietary software can read and compare identification documents against an expansive and up-to-date worldwide library of government-issued ID templates. Their readers take multiple high-resolution images of ID documents like passports and ID cards and check the image for embedded security features against the issuer’s template to authenticate the document. When used in combination with ID authentication and identity-verification software, integrators can go a step further and ping supported ID issuer databases to confirm the legitimacy of the document.

About UCP

Specializing in unattended hardware, UCP is a value-added distributor and PCI P2PE Validated Key Injection Facility with a large portfolio of products from top-tier payment terminal manufacturers. Our customers are kiosk manufacturers, transportation solution providers, parking solution providers, automated retail solution providers, hospitality solution providers, along with many more innovators in the self-service kiosk industry. We take a consultative approach with our clients to help them navigate the complicated landscape of devices designed for self-service. We help you connect the dots between your kiosk software and data processing platforms for credit card payment, and now ID authentication and validation. Contact us to learn more!


Example Biometric Device CS500f — The Thales Cogent CS500f is an intuitive multi-finger scanner. It’s a compact and FBI-certified 10-print device suitable for all applications in need of 4-slaps and rolled acquisition. The main applications are for eID document issuing, border control, and criminal identification.

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Author: Staff Writer

Craig Keefner -- With over 40 years in the industry and technology, Craig is widely considered to be an expert in the field. Major early career kiosk projects include Verizon Bill Pay kiosk and hundreds of others. Craig helped start kioskmarketplace and formed the KMA. Note the point of view here is not necessarily the stance of the Kiosk Association or