Touchless kiosk and Gesture Kiosk
First released on PRNewswire and below content as echoed on Yogonet. They included the YouTube videos embedded for the gesture kiosk nav and the foot nav which is a “nice touch”. These technologies are truly a bit of a departure from the more conventional gesture kiosk technology usually presented. And this is the first occurrence of foot navigation that we have ever seen. Kudos to the engineering team at Kiosk Innovations. Proprietary interface which connects to USB. Windows support only. Much like the Storm Interface accessibility devices and we didn’t mention accessibility but it is definitely a notable factor. Innovative things! — Editor
Hand Gesture Navigation and Foot Controlled Navigation can be mounted on any existing or new kiosks with a USB connection. They can both be integrated at the same time, and the end-user has the ability to use either the foot pedal or the gesture module.
Kiosk Innovations has developed two No-Touch solutions that allow touch-free navigation to mitigate the spread of any virus — Hand Gesture Kiosk Navigation and Foot Controlled Kiosk Navigation.
The company said in a release Thursday that the development came after having studied the available Covid-19 kiosk safety options in the market, and come to the conclusion most available have shortcomings. “Voice, sanitizing wipes, AI conversations, speech recognition, mobile proxy and camera-based navigation to name some of them all have limitations in terms of effectiveness and usability,” the provider said.
Gesture Kiosks and Foot Kiosks
Kiosk Innovations’ foot-controlled (Foot-Nav) and gesture-controlled (Gesture-Nav) can be mounted on any existing or new kiosks with a USB connection. These devices use simple Up, Down, Forward, Backward, and Enter/Select keys for navigations. They can both be integrated at the same time. The end-user has the ability to use either the foot pedal or the gesture module. The touch screen is still available for those who want to do it traditionally.
Rick Freeman, Senior Vice President of Sales at Kiosk Innovations commented: “We have evaluated every possible user ‘touchless’ interface available as well as preventative mitigation and after consulting with our customers we came to the overwhelming consensus that for navigation alternatives the most intuitive are gesture and foot navigation. Users not only need trust the interface as ‘clean’ but the technology needs to be easily adopted.”
Kiosk Innovations also provides a full range of Antibacterial Kiosk solutions depending on the customers’ preference. The firm provides self-service innovative technologies with a company emphasis on safety, education, and communication. It is a major provider of custom transactional terminals for markets such as Bill Payment, Hotel Check-in, Casino/Gaming, and Amusement.
More Information on Kiosk Innovations
Kiosk Innovations Company Page