Facial Payment Kiosk Vending
From SportsTechie — TendedBar, the automated cocktail machine that uses facial recognition to process drink orders, will be implemented at Empower Field at Mile High for Denver Broncos homes games this upcoming NFL season. The stadium began using TendedBar at concerts earlier this summer in partnership with Aramark Sports + Entertainment and will debut TendedBar’s new digital age verification tool for Saturday’s Red Hot Chili Peppers concert at Mile High.
The engine behind this is IDMission. Here is their brochure — IDMission Brochure Instant-ID-V3-Eng (1)
Here is a video on how it works
About TendedBar
In a category of its own: TendedBar is an industry-first self-pour automated bar designed to significantly increase throughput and improve service to customers, all while providing a drink-ordering experience that’s faster, cleaner, and more controlled. The result provides fans with less time waiting in lines, safer access to drinks, less congestion, and an overall improved experience that serves drinks in seconds, so fans don’t miss a minute.
About IDmission
IDmission, a global leader in biometric and AI technology, reduces the risk associated with false identities. IDmission is the sole provider of a proprietary, end-to-end biometric solution for identity theft through a comprehensive KYC platform and automatic ID document analysis across 200 countries and four categories of biometrics: face, fingerprint, iris, and voice. For more information, contact [email protected].
- Nathan Kauffman, TendedBar, [email protected]
- Chris Reimer, President, CR PR Group, [email protected]
- Ashim Banerjee, CEO, IDmission, [email protected]
More Links
- IDmission – Empowering Identity Solutions(Opens in a new browser tab)
- KYC Kiosk News — Know Your Customer Brief aka Digital KYC(Opens in a new browser tab)
- Sports Techie
- Coverage on Sixteen:Nine
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