Monthly Archives: August 2014

8 Signs of an Amateur Kiosk Application

Andrew Savala of KioskSimple lists out eight common mistakes that come up again and again these days. Source: Learning from others mistakes can help you not make those same mistakes.  There are probably more mistakes to learn from than there are ideal home runs to learn from. PostCounter: 1,715

Incarcerated parents and kiosk services

Kiosks installed at Lerdo Jail are helping parents connect with child support professionals. Source: The organization is looking to provide support and education for incarcerated parents in an effort to help them become better parents upon their release. [Video] PostCounter: 1,748

Branding – The Power of Visual Branding

Branding – The Power of Visual Branding presentation by Eric Balinski.  Source: Key Points Brand images has instant meaning and cuts through a world of clutter The convergence of the physical environment with online and mobile is creating new arenas to engage and create customer experiences. Presence in the physical world is critical to the brand visibility,… Read More »

Payteller Marijuana Kiosk Solves Banking and Compliance

Payteller, a leading provider of financial services kiosks, announced today the release date for their SSK (Secure Services Kiosk), a unit programmed for the specific needs of medicinal and recreational marijuana… Source: Cash handling, banking and financial services are among the greatest challenges facing the cannabis business. Navigating complex federal and state regulations in order to access… Read More »

Smartphones Replace Kiosks At Latest Three Square Micro markets

TAGS:vending, micro market, micromarket app, Three Square Market, self-checkout app, kiosk-free stores, mobile-only micro markets, Three Square app, Patrick McMullan, cashless vending, TW Vending HUDSON, WI — Three Square Market is taking a p Source: Users download the Three Square app on their Android or iOS mobile devices, set up an account and add value to establish… Read More »

Anexco Signs Agreement for Automated Marijuana Kiosks

Anexco is pleased to announce that it has signed a final agreement  with Alps Innovations Group for exclusive North and South American rights to an intelligent automated retail kiosk, the BioCanna ADM, for the dispensing of Cannabis and related products in both medical and commercial markets. Source: The BioCanna ADM system provides secure product storage, the ease,… Read More »

UC San Diego Health System intros self-service solutions

UC San Diego Health System is partnering with SeePoint, designer and manufacturer of interactive kiosk systems, to overhaul its check-in and vendor management system, according to a press release. Source: Vendor check-in units at healthcare are a market all to itself.  Also see story on HID badges being “cracked” a few days ago. PostCounter: 1,789

Stanford kiosk prescribes cancer clinical trials

Stanford Cancer Institute has teamed up with SeePoint Technology to come up with a solution that would increase awareness and enrollment in clinical trials. Source: Seepoint kiosks in the news with pivoting 22″ display.  Seepoint also uses antimicrobial coatings. PostCounter: 1,889

Leapfrogging EMV versus Going Straight to Mobile

EMV is getting real in the US as consumers are now getting chip cards in the mail. But if it’s going to take many years before all merchants are able to accept Source: Gemalto — “What I can say is there is a higher amount of activities from financial institutions in launching their EMV portfolios. The amount… Read More »

Payment kiosk – Square’s EMV Strategy

Square will not require retailers to buy a new version of its Square Stand point-of-sale hardware for next year’s U.S. transition to supporting EMV “chip and Source: Instead, a countertop version of the EMV reader that Square announced last month will plug into the existing stand through the USB port. Mag-stripe cards will still be processed using… Read More »

Outdoor Consideration for Displays

Great article by Peter Kaszycki   To successfully deploy digital displays in outdoor environments, many factors must be considered. By Peter Kaszycki With indoor environments, everything is nice and comfortable. It does not rain inside, temperatures and humidity are controlled, the sun does not shine indoors, ambient light conditions do not change, the air is clean, power is… Read More »

When Customer Service Becomes Self-Service – Consumer Reports

Whether you’re banking or buying groceries, companies are moving toward a do-it-yourself approach. Consumer Reports tells you how to survive and thrive. Source: Remember when attendants pumped gas, clerks bagged groceries, and the sales help measured your feet before you tried on a pair of shoes? Today at Applebee’s and Chili’s, tableside computer tablets allow patrons to… Read More »

High-tech customs kiosks installed at Mineta San José

The latest airport and airline news. In this section General News, everything about B2B aviation news Source: PIctures included.  Travellers proceed to Global Entry kiosks, present their machine-readable passport or US permanent resident card, place their fingertips on the scanner for fingerprint verification, and make a customs declaration. The kiosks then issue them a transaction receipt and… Read More »

Higi and Stayhealthy team up in kiosk consolidation

Health kiosk startup higi has merged with Stayhealthy, another mobile health company that also has a health kiosk business. The two announced the merger last week. Source: What is unique in the Stayhealthy HealthCenter approach goes beyond the kiosk hardware,” Collins said at the time. “Anyone can make a blood pressure machine or health station. It’s the… Read More »

M Lhuillier partners with Genkiosk | Kiosk Software

Source: M. Lhuillier Financial Services, Inc. is teaming up with kiosk software specialists Genkiosk to develop a self-service kiosk option in each of their branches. The kiosk provided by Genkiosk will enable customers to do everything from completing money transfers to paying bills and topping up mobile phones. PostCounter: 1,752

police kiosk Self-service to free up more cops

PROBLEM solved with the click of a button. That’s what Mackay police hope after launching their new Policelink self-service kiosk, the first in the state. Source: About 400 people have used the service in the (two-month) trial which equates to about 15 minutes per use that can be allocated to frontline services. Three public assistance kiosks and three… Read More »

Self-checkout kiosk scans the globe

The global self-checkout market grew 24 percent in 2013, with more than 33,000 shipments, according to research by London-based research firm RBR in a company announcement. Walmart’s “large-scale rollout” played a major role in the global upsurge of self-checkout, the… Source: Self-checkout at grocery and others got the big bounce (24%) from Walmart finally implementing (NCR is… Read More » builds brick-and-mortar presence with card-swiping device

Amazon Card Swipe SAN FRANCISCO, Aug 13 (Reuters) – Inc unveiled a $10 credit-card reader and mobile app forbrick-and-mortar businesses on Wednesday, marking the lateststep by the U.S. online retailer to expand Source: Amazon Local Register takes on Square, PayPal & NCR. 1.75% which is a remarkable rate. More than 90% of U.S. retail sales take… Read More »

Bill payment kiosk via Drive Thru LPEA

The kiosk, accessed by the drive-through off the front parking lot, will be fully automated. No customer service personnel will work at the drive-through window. But the drop-box will remain available for payments. Source: Built right into the drive thru this bill payment terminal kiosk requires no personnel. PostCounter: 1,718

Redbox Kiosk Just Disappeared

Don’t be surprised if you walk into a store and see a space where a Redbox machine used to be. Outerwall is starting to scale back after years of growth. Source: Outerwall now expects to close out the year with as many as 700 fewer Redbox kiosks in operation in the U.S. market. The net reduction of… Read More »

Wal-Mart Kills Smartphone Scan & Go

NEW YORK — Wal-Mart thought shoppers would jump at the opportunity to use a smartphone app to scan items they want to buy as they walk through store aisles. In theory, they could speed through self-checkout. But customers had trouble using the “Scan & Go” app during tests in 200 stores, so… Source: Test & Learn… Read More »