The revised Section 508 Standards and Section 255 Guidelines address many changes to technology that have occurred since 2000. Among the most significant changes are the widespread use of mobile technology and the increasing use of mobile devices to perform a variety of ICT functions.
Join us for this session where the presenters will focus on Chapter 4 Hardware. The presenters will discuss Closed Functionality, the new requirements for speech-output for ICT with display screens, privacy, operable parts, ICT with two-way voice communication, closed caption and audio description processing technologies and user controls and others. The presenters will also discuss sources for technical assistance and provide examples of how the hardware provisions may be implemented.
WHO SHOULD ATTEND: The intended audience for this training includes developers, federal procurement officials and everyone involved with implementing Section 508.
Agenda Today’s webinar focuses on the 508 hardware accessibility requirements from Chapter 4, with special attention to how they are applied to telecommunications products:
• How do the Revised 508 Standards (2017) compare with the Original 508 Standards (2000)?
• What has changed? What is new?
• How do the Revised 508 Standards apply to mobile?
• Examples of using the Revised 508 Standards for hardware: − Evaluating the accessibility of desk phone versus a smart phone
The revised Section 508 Standards and Section 255 Guidelines have significantly changed the way software is addressed in the existing Section 508 standards and Section 255 Guidelines (1998-2000). The incorporation by reference of WCAG 2.0 and …
More details on session Revised Section 508 Chapter 5 …
The Revised Section 508 Standards and Section 255 Guidelines, incorporate the WCAG 2.0 Success Criteria Level A and AA and apply them to both web and non-web ICT, including electronic content. This session will review the robust technical …
More details on session W3C WCAG 2.0 Resources…