McDonalds Kiosk Effect dominates NRA Kiosk Show

By | May 31, 2018

McDonalds Kiosk Effect dominates NRA Show – Exhibitor Gallery from KMC

The number of self-order kiosks on display at the National Restaurant Show nearly tripled over last year’s exhibits.  Below is video of Pyramid Computer booth. Visit their YouTube channel for more!

See the gallery article: KioskMarketplace and Elliott Maras

There were some notable not presents such as Acrelec and RedyRef.

Given the recent spate of RFPs related to fast-casual it is not surprising to see big turnout though at this show.  Still,  the media always gets ahead of itself trying to announce “what’s coming” is the same as “what is” and it rarely is.

The Ziosk iteration went from concept to installment over many years and it is a relatively mature product now entering its replacement cycle.  Lifecycle coming into play for the units.

Still, it has been several years of “they are coming” and last time I checked at Wendy’s there is nothing, or any of the other fast casuals here in the area and we are looking at a fairly “hot” market here in Denver.

Companies are certainly exploring the idea.  Which format or form factor they eventually settle on is still to be determined.


What a difference a year makes! Last year’s National Restaurant Show featured 12 self-serve kiosks. This year, the number on display at Chicago’s McCormick Place nearly tripled as kiosk manufacturers scrambled to meet the restaurant industry’s demand to improve customer service with new technology.

As McDonald’s continues its nationwide rollout of self-order kiosks, thousands of QSRs and fast casual restaurants don’t want to get left behind and are shopping the market.

Click here for more: KioskMarketplace Gallery

McDonalds Kiosks news items

Author: Staff Writer

Craig Keefner -- With over 40 years in the industry and technology, Craig is widely considered to be an expert in the field. Major early career kiosk projects include Verizon Bill Pay kiosk and hundreds of others. Craig helped start kioskmarketplace and formed the KMA. Note the point of view here is not necessarily the stance of the Kiosk Association or