Tag Archives: digital signage ai

Digital Signage with AI Integration – 22Miles Interview

Digital Signage AI Integration Part one of an interview with 22Miles CEO Joey Zhao as he discusses 22Miles offerings as the first digital signage and wayfinding solutions provider to offer AI integration within their CMS. In this interview, Zhao talks about the beginnings of the company’s AI development and integration, as well as the company’s award for outstanding innovation in AI at… Read More »

ChatGPT – How and Why for Digital Signage

ChatGPT Digital Signage AI Primer – Stable Diffusion From Digital Signage blog noted writeup on Sixteen-Nine.net — read the full post. The original post is on Intuiface website — for more info contact info@kioskindustry.org Excerpt: Introduction The world of generative AI is on fire. Super-powered algorithms are writing code, crafting stories, and creating images that would challenge a Turing test. Under… Read More »