Ticket Kiosk Tips & Videos

By | October 4, 2022
ticket kiosk empire state building

Ticket Kiosk

Nice video of the production floor and ticket kiosks in progress with different styles of branding. Ticket kiosks historically have seen the most customization of any kiosk vertical.  One of the ticket kiosks we did at KIS way back when was shaped as an ear of corn for a state fair in Iowa.  Below is a short video off LinkedIn + some Q&A with Frank Olea on ticket kiosk challenges.

The most recent example are the NASA Ticket Kiosks. We also did a writeup on them on AVIXA. Existing conventional teller windows were updated to digital ticket kiosks and digital signage by slide in modules for installation. Hard to beat that engineering (and the looks).

Wow. Been a long long time since we’ve seen stacked double screens in a ticketing kiosk. Usually, it’s an overhead attractor but this is a new design iteration that makes the old overhead attractor iteration look rudimentary. Worth noting too that the top screen is independently controlled via BrightSign.

Ticket Kiosk on the production floor video

Here is an example of very little branding but in a very effective black


Ticket Kiosk Q&A

What are the top three considerations most companies keep foremost in their mind when they ask for a ticketing Kiosk.

  • Where will they be placed so that they can best serve the customer? (not just indoor or outdoor but actual strategic placement)
  • Compatibility of the hardware with their software stack.
  • What is the plan to make this Kiosk pay for itself?
  • I cannot stress enough the plan to have ROI. Placing a Kiosk next to active traditional ticket windows may offer a little convenience but it may not have a real strong ROI. Not like a group that eliminates 95% of its windows and moves over to Kiosks with an agent or two to handle the more difficult-to-service sales.
  • Let’s face it, the labor shortage is going to last and a ticketing job is not the most glamorous to Gen-Z, it requires interacting with a lot of people. It doesn’t make sense not to have Self-service ticketing as part of your plans.

List some of the challenges a Kiosk manufacturer must address.

  • In Ticketing it’s often a question of the maximum number of tickets someone can purchase from the kiosk.
  • Ticket catches may have to be much larger than what you’d do in a regular receipt scenario for example.
  • Inclement weather if it’s an outdoor unit. Not all kiosks are made the same, not even necessarily from client to client here at Olea. We have to look very seriously at the environmental needs.
  • Future hardware changes especially around EMV devices because there is a lot of flux right now in that space.

Client wanting a kiosk that defies the laws of physics might be on the list?

  • Champagne taste with a beer budget.
  • Most groups have a budget that is not all that extravagant.
  • At the end of the day there’s an ROI at play in most applications that if they were to exceed say the cost of a human over a certain period they may as well opt for the human(s). Other than that a lot of ticketing applications can afford to make custom kiosks. Or at the very least do some customizations to an off-the-shelf kiosk to ensure the Kiosk keeps in theme with the location where it will be installed.
  • That being said I’m always on the lookout for the customer that will hire me to create a 1 million dollar kiosk. 🙂

Are big digital signage screens useful as supplementary tech?

  • I think so. If I’m in line to use a kiosk to buy tickets I appreciate another sign above the kiosk telling me things I need to know before I approach the machine. It helps me with the information I need to know and if done right helps me to be quick once I’m in front of the machine.

For more information, you can always email info@olea.com or info@kioskindustry.org.  Olea ticket kiosks URL is located here.

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Author: Staff Writer

Craig Keefner -- With over 40 years in the industry and technology, Craig is widely considered to be an expert in the field. Major early career kiosk projects include Verizon Bill Pay kiosk and hundreds of others. Craig helped start kioskmarketplace and formed the KMA. Note the point of view here is not necessarily the stance of the Kiosk Association or kma.global