The American Correctional Association (ACA) just held their convention at Indianapolis August 14th. The correctional industry is led by a couple of large companies such as GTL, Securus, Telmate and Keefe Commissary to name some. Prison inmate video visitation, booking kiosks, medical care (via ACA), education, family deposits, email and entertainment are just some of the channels and all driven by revenue sharing and more.
Recently the corrections industry was in the news with new micropayment options put in by JPAY. See related post.
We checked in with some of our connections to find out what the news was.
“Secure tablets for education and visitation were announced. The Android-based tablets come configured much like Google For Education and Chromebooks for students. As inmates complete courses, they earn credits which can then be redeemed.”
From financial attendees — A couple of big takeaways –
o Industry consolidation on kiosk side. GTL and Securus have purchased many of the deployers. Only Keefe and Telmate seem to be the remaining players.
o Only three booths actually showing kiosks – Keefe, Telmate, and GTL.
o Much consolidation on the vendor side too. KIS appears to have much of this business. And, very very high market share for Crane on bill validators – mainly SC but some SM too.
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Pictures of Units at Show
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- Telmate Tablet and SmartJail
- GTL includes key-injected secure credit card readers
- GTL Acquires Renovo Software out of Minnesota – link
- Securus acquires JPAY – link
- JPAY rolls out Android tablets
Device Resources
- Crane SC Cash Advance
- CPI CashCode SM
- Crane MEI SC Advance with Bulk Note Feeder (BNF)
About Companies:
Renovo – Renovo Software is the leading provider of inmate visitation solutions and video conference scheduling systems for a wide range of markets. Global Tel*Link, or GTL, provides inmate phone and offender management services to over 2,100 facilites and 1.1 million inmates in all 50 states across the nation.