KIosk Whitepaper – How Safe is your Smart Safe?

By | December 10, 2015

How Safe is your Smart Safe?

Optconnect Chris Baird

Chris Baird – Executive Vice President at OptConnect

OptConnect offers machine to machine wireless service for Smart Safes, ATMs, Kiosks, Digital Signage, Facility Management, and many other industry sectors. Rather than simply providing hardware or network service, OptConnect offers a completely managed service designed to make your data connection simple and reliable.

Anyone used to dealing with a large amount of cash knows hard currency can save a lot of money in purchase transaction fees and other expenditures. Having cash on hand can also create a number of additional problems. While credit card transactions are automatically authorized, processed and deposited, those handling paper payments must deal with counterfeit currency, and a stack of bills and change waiting to be taken to the bank.

Fortunately, technology has finally seen fit to help alleviate some of these cash difficulties through the introduction of the smart safe or intelligent safe.


Interesting Smart Safe Links

  • Smart Super Safe by Brinks maybe not so safe? Link
  • Tidel Introduces Smart Safe – link
  • American Banker – Smart safes equal new market – link
  • Dunbar Armored Safes – link


About OptConnect


OptConnect is North America’s leading provider of managed service wireless connectivity for ATMs, Kiosks, Digital Signage and other custom applications. OptConnect revolutionizes the way machines communicate, providing for fast and secure connectivity, cost savings, and greater reliability. OptConnect offers end-to-end managed service providing customers with the greatest level of service and uptime.

Author: Staff Writer

Craig Keefner -- With over 40 years in the industry and technology, Craig is widely considered to be an expert in the field. Major early career kiosk projects include Verizon Bill Pay kiosk and hundreds of others. Craig helped start kioskmarketplace and formed the KMA. Note the point of view here is not necessarily the stance of the Kiosk Association or