TEAMSable Releases New Digital Signage Solutions

By | July 21, 2020
teamsable digital signage

Digital Signage TeamSable San Jose, CA – July 16, 2020 – TEAMSable, the leading hardware manufacturer of complete Point-Of-Sale (POS) systems, recently announced the release of their All-In-One Digital Signage solutions.

TEAMSable is focused on helping businesses attract customers and to improve their experience. TEAMSable All-In-One Digital Signage solutions are powered by Android and come with high-definition touchscreen monitors, ranging in size from 15”, 22”, 27”, 32”, and all the way up to 43”. TEAMSable Digital Signage solutions offer businesses a versatile tool that can be used where messages need to be delivered. From advertising, promotions, and menu boards, to events and educational information, they allow merchants the ability to deploy their content quickly and easily.

“Advertising and promotions are an essential part of every business. With TEAMSable Digital Signage solutions, businesses can offer a flexible and engaging message to their customers,” said Michael Hsieh, General Manager at TEAMSable.

TEAMSable Digital Signage integrates both hardware and software into the device so businesses won’t have to purchase additional content management software that normally require technical expertise to setup. The installation process is quick and easy. This not only reduces costs that are traditionally associated with time and materials for printed content, but it’s also great for the environment as this reduces carbon footprint.

About TEAMSable POS, Inc.
Founded in 2006, TEAMSable POS based in San Jose, California, has been in business for over 25 years. TEAMSable POS offers a complete line of POS Hardware and mPOS solutions including all-in-one touch systems, peripherals, and payment terminals. TEAMSable POS has a track record of delivering high-quality products and first-class customer service, always ensuring that products are delivered in a timely fashion and within budget.

Visit our website to view our entire product line.

Media Contact:

TEAMSable POS, Inc.
Michael Hsieh
General Manager
(408) 775-8384
[email protected]

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Author: Staff Writer

Craig Keefner is the editor and author for Kiosk Association and kiosk industry. With over 30 years in the industry and experience in large and small kiosk solutions, Craig is widely considered to be an expert in the field. Major kiosk projects for him include Verizon Bill Pay kiosk and hundreds of others.