5 Tips to Ensure Your Self-Service Kiosk is a Success – by NCR

By | August 15, 2017
A person uses a self-serve kiosk to place a food order, tapping icons of a burger, fries, hotdog, and drink. The yellow kiosk complements their dark shirt and bright yellow backpack perfectly.

Adding self-service tech can be a real boon for business — but only if you’ve done your research.

Approach new customer-facing technology — such as self-serve kiosks — with strategic planning. (Photo: Sahacha Nilkumhan/Shutterstock)

Are you taking advantage of self-service technologies at your small business? According to research from Bouncepad, three out of four consumers are more likely to visit a store where tech is part of the experience. What’s more, they report having a better customer experience if they can self-serve using tablets.

Adding self-service technology can be a real boon for your small business — but only if you’ve done your research and planning, said Craig Allen Keefner, executive director of the Kiosk Industry Association. NCR Silver asked Keefner to share his advice for how to make sure your small business’s kiosk project is a success.

Identify the purpose of your kiosk

Just as you need a business plan to effectively run your business, adding new customer-facing technology requires planning and strategy if it’s going to work. While a plan doesn’t guarantee a successful project, it certainly helps things go more smoothly.

“Have a clear idea of which benefit(s) you want to bring to your customers. Identify the purpose the self-service will serve.” -Craig Keefner (Photo: Craig Keefner)

Many business owners don’t fully think through everything they want their self-serve station to accomplish, said Keefner. “Have a clear idea of which benefit(s) you want to bring to your customers,” he said. “Identify the purpose the self-service will serve.”

Related: What is Design Thinking and How Can it Help Grow Your Business?

The requirements of your project will differ depending on what your goals are. For instance, a kiosk used for ordering food and taking payments will have different functionality requirements than one that serves as a product information guide.


Thanks to NCR Silver for excerpt and content.

  • Set a budget before you shop
  • Don’t skimp on componentry
  • Check for regulation compliance
  • Ensure integration with other business systems
Author: Staff Writer

Craig Keefner -- With over 40 years in the industry and technology, Craig is widely considered to be an expert in the field. Major early career kiosk projects include Verizon Bill Pay kiosk and hundreds of others. Craig helped start kioskmarketplace and formed the KMA. Note the point of view here is not necessarily the stance of the Kiosk Association or kma.global