ADA and Accessibility “Advance Regulatory Guidelines” by Kiosk Association
In June it is expected that we will see not one, but two documents from U.S. Access Board on ADA and Accessibility. See our December 2023 post – ADA Accessibility Update – U.S. Access Board Timelines.
The Kiosk Association mission is to inform and educate on self-service. Membership is open to all companies across the world. If you follow accessibility guidelines and encourage ADA and would like to be recognized, contact us at [email protected] – You can also request copy of our Advanced Regulatory Guidelines we will release at HIMSS.
Accessibility Guidelines for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations and also Accessibility Guidelines for Self-Service Transaction Machines are both on the table.
The Kiosk Association works closely with regulatory agencies and several of us participate in learning sessions regarding upcoming regulations, ways to structure and ways to enforce being my pet interests (Craig Allen Keefner).
At HIMSS 2024 this year we will release our best guess and predictions of what to expect. Simply stop by booth 2189 and be scanned.
If you are interested and will not be at the show, then email your contact information and company info to [email protected], or you can call 720-324-1837.
About Us
Self-Service Kiosk Machine aka Kiosk Industry is the source for opinions, insights, news, and market trends for the self-service kiosk, digital signage kiosk, Point of Sale and more. Learn from experts and join the community. We are a collective “co-op”. We distribute RFPs (average of 10 per month) and we also provide comparison RFPs as templates for other deploying companies to check/compare their RFP composition.
The Kiosk Association or KMA — Our mission is to inform and educate. KMA is the kiosk association focused on documenting, educating and improving self-service for customers and employees through kiosks and information technology (IT). Providing a level playing field for self-service providers and the customers so that standards are considered by default and as an achievable cost-effective baseline.
Checklists — We recommend downloading 17 point checklist from March 2022. This best practices document is based on our in-depth Code of Practice which provides full reference links.