Pornvideo and Kiosks Let’s talk about internet content filtering. When it comes to your business or providing public access via WiFi, the objective is to provide value to your customers or users. Some considerations: You have users that will impact your bandwidth by downloading videos for example. They will get cookies installed on browsers in your system. They… Read More »
Writeup by Maras from point of view of software provider. Our take?
I think the Ping guy is being disingenuous when he says he wasn’t hacked. “Breaking into the desktop” is a hack in itself. Was there malware which modified some existing code?.. no. But that isn’t what people are supposed to guard against. He was hacked.
A little disappointing that his protection is predicated on his image build containing his tools. And he said he “checked every single unit” like he went pc by pc. No mention of overall remote management and control.
They never configured their Win10 correctly (and imaged it as such) and my guess is they are on consumer version.
Given all that the odds are very good that he’ll get “hacked” again sounds like to me…
People, this is why we can’t have nice things. New York city has had to shut down it’s public Internet kiosks because too many people were looking at porn or streaming Netflix on […]