Kodak Moments Hall of Fame

Kiosk Hall of Fame

Kiosk Hall of Fame

Kiosk Hall of Fame

Kiosk Hall of Fame

The Kiosk Hall of Fame began in 2003.  The reason for the Hall of Fame is simple. It’s important to recognize the extraordinary people who truly have been and are in the kiosk industry.  And the people who have worked in this industry for so many years make self-service better for everybody.  These people exemplify putting the industry first and impacting/leading the industry.

In 2024, we have an inaugural business inductee: Kodak Moments. Businesses are the “people” who deploy kiosks, and it’s important to consider organizations like McDonald’s, Marriott, and government entities like the Social Security Administration when deciding who should be in the Kiosk Hall of Fame.

2025 Candidates for Induction

  • Howard Horn of Advanced Kiosks – 25 years starting with H32. First job 1983
  • Heinz Horstmann Sitekiosk – our original funding company to start
    • Sitekiosk began in 1997
  • Christoph Niehus Sitekiosk – our original funding company to start
    • Sitekiosk began in 1997
  • KT Group Kenneth Larsen 20+ year veteran and one first to supply self-service kiosks to legalized US sports betting market to likes of Churchill Downs, Draft Kings and Wynn Casinos and set legal precedent on two counts of abuse by NCR corp against his corporation stand out too me.
  • Neil Farr – Neil Farr is a prominent figure in the digital solutions industry, particularly known for his role as the Managing Director of Working Solutions (Creative IT) Ltd and the CEO of Acquire Digital. He has been the Managing Director of Working Solutions since April 1997.
  • Scott McInnes — Founder and CEO of four successful kiosk companies over two decades:
  • Manfred Wilner — Swecoin printer technical person. Now Zebra. 27 years and still going!
  • Bruce Bailey – accessibility specialist retired from U.S. Access Board
  • Gregg Vanderheiden — 53 years in accessibility and mainly with TRACE
  • If you have a nominee, please email info@kioskindustry.org

Kiosk Hall of Fame


  • Kodak Moments – Our first Business Inductee.  See PRnewswire release.  “No business has made a greater impact on the kiosk industry than Kodak Moments,” said Craig Allen Keefner, Kiosk Industry Group Manager and curator of the Kiosk Hall of Fame. “Kodak Moments was the original global provider of kiosks.”


  • Peter W. Jarvis of Storm InterfaceAs one of the founding directors and shareholders, Peter joined Storm Interface in 1986. Working closely with the Trace Research and Engineering Center, Peter created a range of highly tactile and audible system navigation devices.
  • Matt AterMatt has over 30 years of experience in accessibility and is currently the vice president of Vispero. Matt is a DEI advocate, blind, and dedicated to improving the lives of people with disabilities. He speaks about digital accessibility, kiosk usability, and inclusion at conferences such as CSUN, Disability:IN, and more.  Matt has delivered keynote speeches, has been featured on Working Nation, and is an active board member of CTA.
  • Marsha Mazz – currently the Director, Accessibility Codes and Standards at United Spinal Association, Marsha spent over 30 years with the U.S. Access Board. Marsha was instrumental in involving the KMA with the U.S. Board facilitating meetings and feedback.
  • Rick Rommel – special recognition 2024
  • Nicky Shaw – special recognition 2024
  • Tommy Woycik – NEXTEP
  • Ben Wheeler – The Kiosk Guy
  • Traci Martin Murray – Vispero, Olea Kiosks, Ceroview
  • Nigel Seed – NAS Consultancy & Netshift
  • James Vande Castle [Media] – link
  • Eric Dumouchel (posthumous)
  • Tommy Wincent (posthumous)
  • Frank Olea – Olea Kiosks
  • James Kruper – KioWare
  • Michael Smith – NeoProducts
  • Edward Crowley – Five Point & URway
  • Ron Bowers  – Frank Mayer
  • Peter B. Snyder – KIS
  • Thomas Smith – MontegoNet & SSN
  • Mike Mayer of Frank Mayer
  • Hamed Shahbazi – Info Touch then TIO now Paypal
  • Gregg Kaplan – Coinstar
  • Rick Malone – KIS now KIOSK
  • Bradley Walker – Nanonation
  • Janet L. Webster – USPS
  • Cortlandt Johnson – IBM
  • Greg Swistak – Factura now Ikoniq
  • Doug Peter – St. Clair Interactive
  • Alex Richardson – Lexitech then Netkey
  • Lawrence Dvorchik – KioskCom Self Service Expo
  • Lief Larson – Kiosk Magazine
  • Francie Mendelsohn – Summit Research
  • Peter BerensApunix
  • Sylvia Berens – Apunix
  • Craig Keefner – the initial comp.infosystems.kiosks Usenet group and the first website/association Kiosks.Org
  • Special Recognition Award 2024
    • Nicky Shaw —  We recognize Nicky for her wonderful service as Chairperson of our Accessibility and ADA committee.
    • Rick Rommel – our first chairman and ex-Kodak. Still going strong
  • Special Recognition Award 2017 – Eckhard Reinman of Germany posthumous
  • Special Recognition Award 2017 – James Bickers posthumous


Nicky Shaw —  We recognize Nicky for her wonderful service as Chairperson of our Accessibility and ADA committee.  A couple of achievements for Nicky in that regard was the creation and adoption of Bylaws for the Committee.  Ironically part of the Bylaws was provision to limit a Chairperson to no more than 2 consecutive terms. Nicky also spearheaded the KMA involvement in HIMSS Healthcare conference. In 2024 we have a 10×30 booth across from Epic and over 7 demos of accessibility in patient care. Nicky will continue to represent Storm Interface on the Accessibility Committee in member capacity.

As US Operations Manager for Storm Interface, Nicky is responsible for developing Storm’s US customer base. She has special responsibilities to inform and support system specifiers and designers working to achieve more accessible kiosk deployments. Her initiatives within the kiosk design community have successfully engendered a belief and determination that accessibility can be achieved without compromising or detriment to the kiosk design ethos or concept. Nicky has been a passionate and long-term campaigner for improved accessibility to Information and Communication systems deployed in public spaces.

Rick Rommel — it’s only natural with our first business inductee this year Kodak Moments, that we honor one of the original “Bay Hill Bunch”. Rick, while with Kodak, served as our original president of the association. Unifying kiosk manufacturers is a tough row to hoe but Rick held them all together. At Kodak, Rommel was in charge of one of the largest retail kiosk projects in the industry, the deployment of more than 18,000 kiosks in the United States. Rommel noted the company has installed 35,000 photo kiosks worldwide.

Not many realize it but before Kodak, Rick worked for North Communications which was a premier kiosk provider in the 90s. North Communications was one of the original innovators in public access touchscreen technology, applications, user interfaces, kiosk design and manufacturing, secure transactions and network management circa 1986-2003, serving the public sector, banking and retail industries. Interesting to see their website still “live” (http://www.northcommunications.net)

Interestingly Rick grew up in Southern California and went to school at Loyola Marymount before heading east.  That happens to be the same storyline for Rick Malone of KIOSK.

Over the years Rick has been an advisor and mentor to me in the retail world.  Thanks Rick for all you contributed!

Bayhill Bunch

Bayhill Bunch – That’s Rick on far right with Hawaiian shirt and cool sunglasses


Email us at info@kioskindustry.org


We wish to thank all the candidates and particularly our sponsor for the awards KioWare and James Kruper.

Kiosk Hall of Fame 2017 Edition

Tommy Woycik of NEXTEP SYSTEMS

Tommy Woycik of NEXTEP SYSTEMS

From the 2017 edition – a quote from the leading vote-getter Tommy Woycik of NEXTEP SYSTEMS — “It’s an exciting time in self order technology, as it’s become clear that the restaurant industry has started adopting self order kiosks on a massive scale.

In much the same way that mobile ordering began with pizza and spread throughout restaurants of every category, self order has started with QSR and fast casual pilots, but will soon become standard industry-wide, both inside and at the drive-thru.

Consumers will come to expect a consistently elevated experience, regardless of location or brand. As standardization builds momentum, we’re looking forward to the opportunity to help restaurants weave self order technology into their business models and brands.”

kiosk hall of fame

Nigel Seed receiving award from Jim Kruper of KioWare at London 2017 kiosk conference. Click for full size image.

How voting is conducted  Online voting takes place over several months as biographies are  presented. Hundreds of votes were cast.

How Selection Conducted   Candidates and nominations solicited from all participants in the kiosk industry. A total of 30 nominations including: Nigel Seed Netshift, Christoph Niehus Provisio, Gib Smith Gibco, Dave Heyliger Rocky Mountain, Neil Farr Working Solutions, Brian Collier.


Along with our Hall of Fame inductees in 2017 we also have some special recognition posthumous awards for people instrumental in the industry which might not otherwise be noted.

  • U.S. Access Board(retired)
  • Eckhard Reimann — some of his many articles are located here. A nice In Memoriam for Eckhard is here.  Excerpt: The only worldwide independent, all-embracing competence (“gray eminence”) for interactive kiosk, media, digital signage & room installations, comprehensive e-kiosk know-how as “Mr. Kiosk “(DMMK), Father of the Kiosks (NCR), multimedia pioneer (Prof. Swoboda, Trier), contacts, network, long-term (1999-2005/6) e-kiosk speaker at BVDW, , Jury chairman for kiosk / room installations at the German Multimedia Award (2002 – 2005), long-standing kiosk author at the HighText publishing house and the “Reimann commentary” at www.friendlyway.de Extensive literature source archive, moderator of the “E-Kiosk & Digital Signage Networking “. Co-author of “Handbook Practice Customer Relations Management”, October 2007, author of the “DIGITAL MEDIA Best Practices Report – Digital Signage & Kiosks in Practice”, Volume 1 (Trade) March 2011.  “I was friends with Eckhard and worked with him on creating a stronger industry.  He was a mentor for me.”, Craig Keefner.
  • James Bickers — Nice In Memoriam on Digital Signage Today.  From LinkedIn — Senior editor of the web news portal Retail Customer Experience, Bickers was founding editor for Digital Signage Today portal which launched digital signage into prominence.  “James was one the most creative, talented people I’ve ever worked with,” said Joseph Grove, the former executive editor of Networld Media Group, who hired Bickers in 2005 after being impressed with his freelance work.

Eckhard Reimann Mr. Kiosk Germany


2023 Nominations

  • First business inductee — Kodak Moments
  • Peter W. Jarvis of Storm Interface
  • Matt Ater of Vispero
  • Marsha Mazz – ex-US Access Board