McDonalds Kiosk ADA – Walkthru Video NFB

By | January 25, 2022
mcdonalds kiosk accessibility walkthru

McDonalds Kiosk Accessibility Jan2022 Update

McDonalds has taken the lead in testing and evaluating at large scale providing accessibility features for the blind. One of the improvements is by adding in a screen reader (JAWS Kiosk by Vispero) and coupling that with Storm Interface AudioNav assistive technology.

Providing accessibility to every user group has taken on an even more pronounced imperative with the recent legal suit and class action which the DOJ is pursuing against Quest Diagnostics. The probable outcome there is a nationwide retrofit of literally thousands of units. See our Legal News summary page.

National Federation of the Blind

National Federation of the Blind

Here is a video by the National Federation of the Blind’s Center of Excellence in Nonvisual Access demonstrating new accessibility features on McDonald’s kiosk in June 2021.

Additional Information and Reading

For more information on the screen reader we recommend contacting Laura Miller ([email protected]). For the device side of the equation then Nicky Shaw at Storm Interface.

Kiosk Marketplace wrote up their recent Lunch And Learn which talked about the new McDonalds kiosk accessibility features.


  • Kelsey Hall, senior product manager, global digital accessibility, McDonald’s, and Matt Ater, vice president of business development and software engineering at Vispero, demonstrated how McDonald’s digital accessibility works.
  • The demo used headphones. Note in the video above the NFB opts for public audio.  Ambient noise can make it more difficult for a human to hear, or for a microphone with noise cancellation to discrimminate.
  • Mentioned too is the kiosk also has Braille labels at any point of actionable contact, such as the scan area, the headphone insert, the receipt area and the payment pad.
  • Asked about the possibility of offering voice recognition, Hall said voice recognition cannot replace the current solution. “Even if you have voice recognition options there are some limitations based on connectivity.”
  • Here is a link to the writeup

Kiosk Industry Posts

Author: Staff Writer

Craig Keefner -- With over 40 years in the industry and technology, Craig is widely considered to be an expert in the field. Major early career kiosk projects include Verizon Bill Pay kiosk and hundreds of others. Craig helped start kioskmarketplace and formed the KMA. Note the point of view here is not necessarily the stance of the Kiosk Association or