Pornvideo and Kiosks

By | February 23, 2025

Pornvideo and Kiosks

With the recent analysis of the Smart City RFP that Dallas is doing, reviewing internet content filtering seems like a good idea.  Pornvideo being the main issue. Public WiFi that supports streaming sounds a lot like LinkNYC and they still have problems. And now the latest social sites have only increased their sexual stimuli content to raise audience, valuations and ad dollars.


  • Kiosks will provide Wi-Fi internet service free of charge to the public for a minimum radius of 150 feet around each kiosk, with bandwidth and IP connections sufficient to support a minimum of 100 users at each kiosk, scalable at up to 200 users in high-traffic areas. Kiosk providing free Wi-Fi internet service must include a City of Dallas Terms of Service “Splash Page” prior to access. Kiosks must provide capability for: (a) wired connectivity with a minimum 1 gigabyte connection speed; (b) cellular provider sim network card via integrated hardware of the proposed solution; or (c) standard 4G/5G cellular via hotspot or cradle point (or similar) device. Proposed solutions must be capable of supporting streaming video based on the standards associated with each connectivity type. Proposers shall include detailed network connectivity specifications including: (a) any minimum upload/download requirements; (b) device connection types for each of the capability methods described above; (c) provide list of cellular provider exclusions, if any exist; (d) LAN port specifications.

Editors Side Note — let’s imagine young kids with mobiles attaching to free WiFi and using it to view PornHub.  We checked the Domain rankings and the organic traffic for PornHub is 2 Billion (yes, 2 Billion). They #11 on most popular sites. YouTube, Instagram and Facebook are all in the top 10, and all of them use sexualized photos and videos to snag their scrolls and views (and advertising dollars).

Pornvideos Been A Problem?

Porn videos have been a significant problem on public kiosks and digital displays. Several incidents highlight this issue:

  1. In New York City, LinkNYC Wi-Fi kiosks faced challenges with users accessing pornographic content on the free public tablets. Despite implementing content filtering systems, some users found ways to bypass these restrictions14.  Here the most likely problem is trying to save money. Rather than use a very mature content filtering, and pay a licensing fee, companies try to DIY with Microsoft Kiosk Mode.  

  2. At Union Station in Washington D.C., a large touchscreen display was hacked to stream explicit pornographic videos for about three minutes during rush hour, shocking commuters.

  3. The issue is not limited to intentional hacking. In some cases, authorized users might accidentally upload inappropriate content, or vulnerabilities in the system could allow unauthorized access.

To address these problems, kiosk management solutions often implement:

  • Web content filtering software to block access to adult content and other inappropriate websites35.

  • Kiosk browser lockdown solutions to restrict browsing to only approved websites and web apps7.

  • Enhanced security measures to prevent unauthorized access and system compromises6.

Despite these efforts, the challenge persists due to the vastness of the internet and the difficulty in creating foolproof filtering systems

Pornvideo Related

Author: Staff Writer

Craig Keefner -- With over 40 years in the industry and technology, Craig is widely considered to be an expert in the field. Major early career kiosk projects include Verizon Bill Pay kiosk and hundreds of others. Craig helped start kioskmarketplace and formed the KMA. Note the point of view here is not necessarily the stance of the Kiosk Association or