ScholarChip and Shuttle Computer Group:
A Winning Combination
Knowing where students are at any given time is of vital importance for teachers and school administrators. Keeping track of attendance is an essential part of a school’s budget, including state and federal financial support, and in some cases, even teacher performance.
ScholarChip, a pioneer of centralized and integrated School Safety and Operations Systems, is a leading supplier of ID card security systems that helps school districts across America automate services like student and teacher attendance, school visitor monitoring, cafeteria point-of-sale activities, bus ride tracking, and others.
Instead of relying on old-fashioned attendance methods, ScholarChip’s automated platform centrally manages large group entry points, physical door access, and visitors, while its notification and alert services gives school administrators the tools they need to act in real time. Its products are technological, one-card solutions that have rapidly grown into an advanced and comprehensive security and multi-point attendance system.
The company was founded in 2000 and used laptop computers, card readers, and proprietary software to create its flagship products. Knowing that there is constant technological innovation, by the early 2010s, ScholarChip was searching for a more efficient solution. Richard Seow, project manager for ScholarChip, discovered Shuttle Computer Group’s X50 all-in-one computer.
“We needed a very rugged, high-quality computer that would easily integrate so we could turn it into our own product,” said Seow. “Shuttle’s barebones computer came without a hard drive, memory, or operating system, and we were able to install everything we needed ourselves.”
Building their own was the key—and during this time, ScholarChip customized each computer they ordered, and built each kiosk accordingly.
The scenario at the time would typically go like this: new computers were delivered to ScholarChip; once received, each one was unpacked and plugged in. They would then set the BIOS, load the OS, load software, install the card reader, test it, unplug it, repack it, and deploy the system. This process worked for a good long time. And then the company started to really grow.
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