Wifi Kiosk – LinkNYC Alphabet’s gigabit outdoor kiosks
Nice writeup on all the bells and whistles that these kiosks include.
Source: www.recode.net
See https://www.intersection.com/ for writeup on Alphabet endeavour.
Nice writeup on all the bells and whistles that these kiosks include.
Source: www.recode.net
See https://www.intersection.com/ for writeup on Alphabet endeavour.
Wireless Service OptConnect adds new month to month option announced in latest email. Now you can get 3G/4G connectivity for your kiosk or ATM or self service terminal for a very small investment. See OptiConnect member page for more info about OptiConnect. OptConnect Now Offering Month to Month View this email in your browser Postsr: 1,960
June 15, 2016 – YORK, PA. BFit Gyms isn’t your everyday run-of- the-mill fitness center. Their members ‘refuse to be ordinary’, and enjoy the unique and innovative Fit Pass that allows family and friends to share the same pass. Stressing its ‘cool factor’, BFit has implemented easy-to- use kiosks that provide its tech-savvy self-service- minded members with access to membership… Read More »
As kiosks, digital signs, EV charging stations, and other customer self serve devices become thinner and smaller the need for a tiny cellular router becomes greater.
Source: www.optconnect.com
Cellular routers have come a long way and this unit is one of the smallest and best I think.