Fundraising Kiosks for Non-Profits

By | May 3, 2016

New blog entry on Olea Kiosks covering Fundraising kiosks for non-profits. Non-profits are a large percentage of kiosk deployers and they use a wide range of units from Fundraising, to survey kiosk, to donation kiosks and many more.

Excerpt from Olea Blog

We hear plenty about kiosks for commercial applications like retail, healthcare and hospitality, but what about leveraging the benefits of kiosks for not-for-profit endeavors? First, do not box in non-profit kiosks to the notion that they can only serve as

fundraising kiosk

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fundraising kiosks, because that greatly diminishes the full spectrum of the features and benefits that kiosks can offer non-profits. As with any commercial application, kiosks for non-profits can handle

  • Logistics
  • Human resource management
  • Memberships
  • Merchandising and more

Outsourcing certain tasks to automation affords non-profit personnel more time to focus on fundraising and building awareness.

Here are just a few examples of ways Olea Kiosk’s solutions can help your non-profit achieve its mission.

Fundraising Kiosks at Non-profit Events

A non-profit event fundraiser is like any enterprise: you must increase bottom lines for your stakeholders and one way to do this is to increase the average size of the donation from each attendee. Here are just a few ways fundraising kiosks can increase fundraising efforts.

Use pre-set donation amounts. We have seen in other articles how up-selling and cross-selling are key benefits when deploying kiosks. Quick Serve Restaurants (QSR) rely on QSR kiosks to increase average check size by recommending add-ons and related items. Your fundraising kiosk should be no different. Perhaps your average donation size is $27 and you aim to increase that average to $30. On your donation screen offer buttons for $30, $50, $75 and Other as the go-to options and guide donors towards the amounts you aim to achieve. The “other” option gives donors the option to donate less or more than the target, should they choose to.

Read the full blog entry covering Places of Worship, Event Fundraisers and advice on how to most effectively provide self service options to alleviate congestion and improve customer flow.

Author: Staff Writer

Craig Keefner -- With over 40 years in the industry and technology, Craig is widely considered to be an expert in the field. Major early career kiosk projects include Verizon Bill Pay kiosk and hundreds of others. Craig helped start kioskmarketplace and formed the KMA. Note the point of view here is not necessarily the stance of the Kiosk Association or