Wifi Kiosk
Nice writeup on all the bells and whistles that these wifi kiosks include.
Source: www.recode.net
See https://www.intersection.com/ for writeup on Alphabet endeavour.
Around 200 kiosks, without sensors, have been installed in New York City by LinkNYC. LinkNYC is a consortium comprised of Intersection and Sidewalk Labs.
Each 9.5-foot-high Link kiosk offers a range of free services, including U.S. phone calls, gigabit Wi-Fi access, USB charging ports and transport directions. The kiosks have a keypad, a touchscreen tablet for browsing, a dedicated 911 button for emergencies and are ADA compliant. Sidewalk’s documents quote market research that found 90 percent of New Yorkers believe the kiosks are a “positive initiative for the city.”
But this is only the start of what Sidewalk Labs has planned. Sidewalk offered the Columbus, Ohio, winner of the Smart City Challenge up to 100 kiosks in four of its neighborhoods. “Each Kiosk,” promises Sidewalk, “includes data analytics [that would allow Columbus to] better understand the urban environment via environmental sensors and machine learning algorithms that integrate numerous data sources.”
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