RedyRef enGAGE™ Line of Standard Kiosks

By | March 26, 2015

RedyRef Interactive Kiosks launches the enGAGE™ line of standard kiosks that can be used as it exists or be semi-customized to meet the component requirements of any kiosk application.

Riverdale, New Jersey. – March 5, 2015 – RedyRef, a turn-key self-service kiosk solution provider announced that they have launched the enGAGE™ line of standard kiosks which features over a dozen different styles for kiosk deployers to utilize as the basic platform of their kiosk requirement. The platform can be used as it exists or be semi-customized to meet the component requirements of any kiosk application.

Platform Approach – It is simple, the enGAGE™ line is built on a standard frame concept that was devised on the idea that retail sells real estate by the square foot. Each enGAGE™ is designed on a frame system that is standardized by the foot –12”, 24” 36”, 48” and so on, so that the footprint easily fits within the parameters of retail space allocations. And, of course, since the enGAGE™ is a frame system, it can easily be customized to other sizes if needed to meet the component requirements of the kiosk component array.

Customizable Skins – The next part of the modularity of the design is in the fact that the metal cabinets, that we call skins, are mounted/hung from the frames, which are also completely customizable to the needs of the sizes of the components that they house.

Branding Platform – Finally, the skins are not only customizable but also they make for a great branding platform for graphics and decals that complete the holistic intentions of the enGAGE™ modular design. Best of all, the design allows us to meet the needs of your brand and performance while managing cost and speed to the market. Additional benefits include the ability to choose from a variety of monitor sizes to fit your needs, optional custom vinyl-wrapped graphics to further strengthen your brand, the possibility of having a branded header on the kiosk, and extensive equipment options.

Software Solutions – As with all of our kiosks, we provide cutting-edge kiosk software that can suit the needs of your company whether you need an electronic directory, interactive way-finding program, digital signage and much more!

The enGAGE™ kiosk can seamlessly blend into any environment and we have the capabilities to make custom modifications on standard kiosk units to fit the specified requirements of your project. Your business could benefit from a kiosk whether you work in an office, hospital, university, hotel, airport, courthouse, convention center, shopping mall and more. The versatile options can give you stand-alone variations, wall mounted, desk mounted and custom mounted applications so it can virtually work in any given space.

About Redyref

Established 101 years ago, RedyRef Interactive Kiosks is a complete vertically integrated kiosk organization with in-house design engineering, metal fabrication, powder coating, electrical engineering and integration, software development, installation and on-going maintenance solutions to meet your self-service kiosk needs. RedyRef truly offers you a one-stop Self-Service Kiosk solution. Learn more at:

Contact: Ben Wheeler [email protected] Ph: (800) 628-3603 Ext #125


Author: Staff Writer

Craig Keefner -- With over 40 years in the industry and technology, Craig is widely considered to be an expert in the field. Major early career kiosk projects include Verizon Bill Pay kiosk and hundreds of others. Craig helped start kioskmarketplace and formed the KMA. Note the point of view here is not necessarily the stance of the Kiosk Association or