Solar Kiosks for Wayfinding Information – Stamford

By | March 8, 2025
A solar-powered kiosk in downtown Stamford provides crucial wayfinding information amidst brick buildings and shops. The quiet street, free of pedestrians and vehicles, showcases the kiosks efficient design while offering real-time weather updates to passersby.

Solar Powered Kiosks

A new solar-powered kiosk at the corner of Main and Bank streets in downtown Stamford on Tuesday, March 4, 2025. The kiosks, which come from Cambridge-based Soofa, feature information on weather, air quality and a map of downtown. News link and full story.

Ignacio Laguarda / Hearst Connecticut Media

The digital display, part of Stamfords solar kiosks, features the Stamford Downtown Neighborhood Newsfeed, showcasing wayfinding information with sections including a poster for Stamford Downtown, an opinion poll on favorite comfort food, weather forecast, and a Moderate air quality index.

The digital display, part of Stamfords solar kiosks, features the Stamford Downtown Neighborhood Newsfeed, showcasing wayfinding information with sections including a poster for Stamford Downtown, an opinion poll on favorite comfort food, weather forecast, and a Moderate air quality index.

Stamford, Connecticut, has installed four new solar-powered kiosks in its downtown area, with a fifth one on the way. These kiosks, developed by the Cambridge-based company Soofa, provide information on weather, air quality, and maps of the area. They also display city announcements, transit information, and fun polls for visitors. The kiosks are part of an effort to create a more robust wayfinding system in the city. Soofa is providing the kiosks for free, with the company recouping revenue from selling advertising through the devices.

Soofa, which was founded by women in the MIT Media Lab in 2014, is providing the kiosks for free, with the caveat that the company will recoup revenue from selling advertising through the devices.

Looks like e-paper display technology to conserve power?

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Author: Staff Writer

Craig Keefner -- With over 40 years in the industry and technology, Craig is widely considered to be an expert in the field. Major early career kiosk projects include Verizon Bill Pay kiosk and hundreds of others. Craig helped start kioskmarketplace and formed the KMA. Note the point of view here is not necessarily the stance of the Kiosk Association or