Tag Archives: kiosk ada checklist

Airport Kiosks – Do ADA (Only) Kiosks Discriminate against Tall People?

Standing Tall – Does ADA Discriminate? Editors Note: Being able to think critically about ADA is good practice.  There are many forms of accessibility and many of those are ignored in favor of the more popular. The writer is expressing their own opinion and not Kiosk Industry Group/Self Service Kiosk Machine.  Discussion was stimulated (see comments below) and… Read More »

Kiosk ADA Checklist – 14 Point Accessibility Checklist

As posted on the Kiosk Association website Feb2021 Kiosk ADA Checklist 14 point – Code of Practice General Areas of Discovery and Due Diligence for Kiosk ADA Checklist Review Kiosk ADA Checklist Initial Design Begin your initial design phase with full accessibility accommodated.  You can always do a cost/benefit analysis and compare later to a stripped-down unit with its… Read More »