ZIVELO Launches Virtual Banking Expert Kiosks

By | April 6, 2018

ZIVELO Virtual Banking Expert Kiosks are Designed to Connect Your Customers with Expert-Level Services Regardless of Location

zivelo kiosks PHOENIX (April 06) – ZIVELO designs, manufactures and supplies Virtual Banking Expert kiosks to some of the largest banking and financial institutions in the country. These kiosks provide business solutions such as connecting customers with Virtual Banking Experts that can handle complex financial services during and outside of branch hours, regardless of location and peak loads in branch traffic.

These specially designed kiosks offer a way for financial institutions to connect with customers and provide services that may not otherwise be available within individual branch locations. Alternatively, some branches may have underutilized or over-extended staff depending on demand and day to day traffic. When kiosks are placed in high traffic areas they encourage interaction, and they can also be placed in dedicated, card accessed rooms that can be utilized by customers outside of regular business hours extending the bank’s hours via kiosk-based interactive remote banking staff.

The technology behind the Virtual Banking Expert kiosks can be custom designed with touchscreen displays, HD cameras, motion detection, speakers, card readers, microphones, and more. ZIVELO’s unique patented modular design solutions make maintaining and updating kiosks with new technology low-cost and efficient, without having to ship or replace entire units. Segregated data paths are used to facilitate compliance with strict banking data security standards so that customer data is never compromised, even when wirelessly instigating videoconferencing capabilities.

“Our banking solutions systems have allowed Financial Institutions to improve the efficiency and time management of their bankers while increasing customer satisfaction at the same time.” said Chris Augur, President of ZIVELO. “Data from our customers has shown that video conferencing allows banks to more efficiently utilize staff, while offering additional convenience and extended benefits to their customers, and increasing interactions per branch.”

For more information on ZIVELO, and to learn how to pilot test Virtual Banking Expert systems, visithttp://www.olea.com/vbesm/.


Author: Staff Writer

Craig Keefner -- With over 40 years in the industry and technology, Craig is widely considered to be an expert in the field. Major early career kiosk projects include Verizon Bill Pay kiosk and hundreds of others. Craig helped start kioskmarketplace and formed the KMA. Note the point of view here is not necessarily the stance of the Kiosk Association or kma.global