ATM maker turns to Dayton for software

By | March 18, 2016

Nearly seven years ago, when NCR began leaving its home of more than a century, much of its talent remained rooted in Dayton.


The ATM business has two distinct segments said Nancy Daniels, company executive vice president and chief operating officer. There are the ATMs used in banks and the machines used in convenience stores, hotels and elsewhere.

There are far more of the latter machines used in places outside banks, she said. And even in an era of debit cards, the amount of cash in circulation keeps growing, she said.

“We have about 70 percent of that market,” said Daniels, an NCR veteran now working at Nautilus Hyosung’s Irving, Texas headquarters.

Author: Staff Writer

Craig Keefner -- With over 40 years in the industry and technology, Craig is widely considered to be an expert in the field. Major early career kiosk projects include Verizon Bill Pay kiosk and hundreds of others. Craig helped start kioskmarketplace and formed the KMA. Note the point of view here is not necessarily the stance of the Kiosk Association or