Kate Spade’s interactive display tables « Retail Innovation
Craig Keefner‘s insight: Cool interactive tables in retail See on retail-innovation.com Postsr: 2,077
Craig Keefner‘s insight: Cool interactive tables in retail See on retail-innovation.com Postsr: 2,077
Declaration of Independence Museum Kiosk Purpose: provide public interaction and access to Declaration of Independence via a museum kiosk and more specifically a multitouch table kiosk to let visitors sit and use. Client: Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Application Development: Jim Gibson of Gibson Design Associates working closely with University of Virginia Librarian Robert Perkins Kiosk software: KioWare… Read More »
Possible Worldwide Debuts World’s Most Advanced, Multi-Touch Racing Experience with Introduction of IBU Interactive Table for Hong Kong Jockey Club Craig Keefner‘s insight: Nice video for multitouch gaming table in Hong Kong See on www.youtube.com Postsr: 2,044
Who says print is dead? If anything, it’s alive and sounds delicious! This unique poster, created by Grey London and print production and software developer Novalia, is essentially an app made of paper promoting British food brand Schwartz’s Flavour Shots. Craig Keefner‘s insight: Pretty cool touchscreen using ink See on www.adweek.com Postsr: 2,901