Moki™ MokiTouch™ 2 Free Kiosk App for In-Store Digital

By | August 19, 2015

Moki has upgraded its free kiosk app to include ground breaking analytics to measure engagement and interactions on customer facing devices.


“Our customers require nuanced information to support their purchase decisions, and MokiTouch has helped grow our sales by as much as 40 percent at many locations,” said Scott Buckley, Director of Marketing at RAB, a New Jersey-based lighting manufacturer. “In the past, analysis of in-store initiatives has been difficult because of the logistics of compiling data across stores and devices functioning on separate networks with different managers. MokiTouch has enabled our teams to deploy, monitor and manage all of our kiosks in the field.”

Author: Staff Writer

Craig Keefner is the editor and author for Kiosk Association and kiosk industry. With over 30 years in the industry and experience in large and small kiosk solutions, Craig is widely considered to be an expert in the field. Major kiosk projects for him include Verizon Bill Pay kiosk and hundreds of others.