Retail kiosk Providing Endless Aisles & Happier Customers!

By | April 22, 2016

Retail Kiosk Omnichannel

Success in retail is often measured by revenue-per-square-foot and customer satisfaction. Find out how a retail kiosk can bring you more of both! retail kiosk gift registry


Some good points. Recommended read

  • 72% find them to be more convenient alternative
  • 55% use them when there is a line at the cashiers
  • 13% wanted to keep their transaction private
  • 12% did not want to interact with cashiers, and as a caveat, 20% of Millennials did not want to interact with cashiers

Read full article at Olea Kiosk

The Olea Retail Kiosk Solutions

Olea’s retail kiosks offer large touchscreen and multi-touch screens that enable customers to easily customize multiple aspects of their desired products. For example, a customer may want to customize a pair of shoes, and could use the retail kiosk to easily swipe the screen to preview the different color options available.

Another  benefit of the “endless aisle” is customization.  Where multiple colors or styles are available for an item, retailers can stock a generic display unit on the shop floor, and if a customer would like to customize the color or style, they can do so via the retail kiosk, ordering the item of their choosing. This type interaction between brick and mortar retail and e-commerce is commonly referred to as omni-channel retailing, and has been proven to have a major positive impact on a retailer’s bottom-line ROI.

Editors Note:  when you use the word ROI (which isn’t a word) people think different things. Here is one point of view.

ROI Point of View

Take a company like Panera which is now offering customer driven ordering. Same-store sales growth for Panera and the results are incredibly strong. The last six quarters are up 16.1% (an average of over 8% each year) and continue to rise. Companies are now jumping on board to invest in Panera’s stock which is growing far higher than the industry average.  [as of April 2016 and figuring original forecast of $6.64 a share]

Author: Staff Writer

Craig Keefner -- With over 40 years in the industry and technology, Craig is widely considered to be an expert in the field. Major early career kiosk projects include Verizon Bill Pay kiosk and hundreds of others. Craig helped start kioskmarketplace and formed the KMA. Note the point of view here is not necessarily the stance of the Kiosk Association or