Tag Archives: walmart kiosks

WalMart customer service kiosk – 2015

Walmart Customer Service Kiosk 2015 There are numerous ways retail giant Wal-Mart assesses customer service feedback from its 5,000 U.S. stores. But there is evidence that a kiosk positioned directly in the front of the store could be a new way Wal-Mart solicits direct customer service feedback from its 140 million weekly shoppers. Source: www.thecitywire.com http://www.thecitywire.com/node/36485#.VOOKy9RGh5Q Seeking Alpha… Read More »

Wal-Mart Kills Smartphone Scan & Go

NEW YORK — Wal-Mart thought shoppers would jump at the opportunity to use a smartphone app to scan items they want to buy as they walk through store aisles. In theory, they could speed through self-checkout. But customers had trouble using the “Scan & Go” app during tests in 200 stores, so… Source: abcnews.go.com http://abcnews.go.com/Business/wireStory/wal-mart-24944839 Test & Learn… Read More »

Walmart Innovation Lab 415-C Call for Innovation

Walmart Innovation Lab 415-C is opening submissions to technology companies wanting to be selected for Walmart’s “Technology Innovation Open Call” on Oct. 6, 2016. Submission deadline is July 22, 2016 or the first 250 submissions. Submissions should include a three-minute video and written overview of the company. During the open call event, vendors will meet with key technology… Read More »