Walmart Customer Service Kiosk 2015
There are numerous ways retail giant Wal-Mart assesses customer service feedback from its 5,000 U.S. stores. But there is evidence that a kiosk positioned directly in the front of the store could be a new way Wal-Mart solicits direct customer service feedback from its 140 million weekly shoppers.
Seeking Alpha analyst Brian Gilmartin writes that one of the bigger issues over the last two years has been traffic erosion. The last time Wal-Mart U.S. posted positive quarterly traffic was in the fourth quarter of 2012. Following are traffic stats from Wal-Mart U.S. stores
Oct. 2014: down 0.7%
July 2014: down 1.1%
April 2014: down 1.4%
Jan. 2014: down 1.7%
Oct. 2013: down 0.4%
July 2013: down 0.5%
April 2013: down 1.8%
Jan. 2013: down 0.1%
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