Whitepaper – When Customer & Customer Experience Collide

By | June 27, 2017

New whitepaper by Frank Mayer and Associates, Inc.

Overview Forward

In the last few years, the Quick Serve Restaurant (QSR) industry has begun to explore how the addition of self-serve kiosks within the restaurant can impact the ordering experience, shape the types of employees needed, and transform the customer experience. Chains began experimenting with the technology in 2014, and the initial customer feedback has been positive, leading more QSR restauranteurs to consider implementing selfserve ordering kiosks within their chains.

The acceptance of self-serve ordering in restaurants is hardly surprising. Consumers have extremely high expectations for their retail and restaurant experiences. They want immediate answers to questions, customization, high levels of personal service, and easy forms of payment all in one. We understand that a well-designed self-serve kiosk can help meet these needs.

We see four trends that have led to the acceptance of self-serve ordering:

  1. Technological Immersion
  2. Shifting Forms of Communication
  3. Empowered Consumers: Individual Experiences
  4. Integrating Digital Technology & Physical Spaces

Today’s customers are ready for self-serve ordering. Are you? If not, you may want to consider how these trends will impact your business.

TOC Contents

  • Foreword
  • Trend 1 – Technological Immersion Trend
  • 2 – Shifting Forms of Communication
  • Trend 3 – Empowered Consumers: Individual Experiences
  • Trend 4 – Integrating Digital Technology & Physical Spaces
  • The QSR & Fast-Food Kiosk Experience
  • Resource
To download the complete 17-page whitepaper complete with facts and figures visit https://www.olea.com/whitepapers
Author: Staff Writer

Craig Keefner -- With over 40 years in the industry and technology, Craig is widely considered to be an expert in the field. Major early career kiosk projects include Verizon Bill Pay kiosk and hundreds of others. Craig helped start kioskmarketplace and formed the KMA. Note the point of view here is not necessarily the stance of the Kiosk Association or kma.global