C-Store Retailers Employee Training and Self Service

By | October 25, 2024
Retail Employee Self Service Kiosk

C-Store Retail Best Practices

Very nice article explaining the value and benefits of employee training as well as implementing self-service technology. Improving staff training, using technology for better execution at the store level, adding self-checkout and ordering kiosks, and outsourcing expense management are all approaches being chosen by retailers today to achieve the goal of operational excellence. Reference: csnews.com


Temple, Texas-based CEFCO Convenience Stores, operator of more than 190 locations, added in-store kiosks for food service ordering in partnership with software company Reji LLC and Olea Kiosks, eliminating the need for an employee to take orders.

“One of the big challenges in a c-store is labor, and they are often short on store-level employees, so the kiosk allows for self-ordering and while the customer waits for the food, they can shop the store,” said Reji CEO Frank Yoder.

At its CEFCO Kitchen locations, the retailer prints out a receipt with a barcode for the customer to take to the checkout and pay. C-stores that do this offer their customers the opportunity to walk around the store and pick up other items while they wait, which they may not do if they already paid at the kiosk, noted Yoder.

“Kiosks have been proven in the QSR [quick-service restaurant] environment and we have seen for c-stores, the ticket lift is higher when they order through a kiosk — in some cases, by 20%-30%,” he added, explaining that it is more guilt-free for customers when they order through a kiosk and add extras. The kiosk also prompts the customer to add on items.


Key points:

  • Training and Development: Effective training is crucial for operational excellence in convenience stores. This includes initial onboarding and ongoing training to help employees grow within the company and aid retention. Custom videos and computer-based modules are used to ensure consistency across locations.
  • Self-Service Technology: Adopting self-service devices like kiosks can save labor, increase efficiency, and boost customer satisfaction. These devices allow customers to place orders and pay without employee assistance, leading to higher sales and improved customer experience.
  • Mystery Shops and Incentives: Utilizing loss prevention video systems for virtual mystery shops helps maintain high customer service standards. Employees are rewarded with cash incentives for excellent service, encouraging consistent performance.
  • Expense Management: Effective expense management can significantly impact the bottom line. This includes scrutinizing contracts for hidden fees and renegotiating terms to reduce costs. Specialized software and consulting services can help identify and eliminate unnecessary expenses.

These strategies collectively contribute to achieving operational excellence in convenience stores.

Reference: csnews.com

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Author: Staff Writer

Craig Keefner -- With over 40 years in the industry and technology, Craig is widely considered to be an expert in the field. Major early career kiosk projects include Verizon Bill Pay kiosk and hundreds of others. Craig helped start kioskmarketplace and formed the KMA. Note the point of view here is not necessarily the stance of the Kiosk Association or kma.global