VR Kiosks – How Big Is The Virtual Reality Market?

By | April 6, 2017

VR kiosk

2016 was a pivotal year for VR but how big is the industry right now? Here are some figures that show who shipped what…but that’s not the fina

Source: www.forbes.com

There are currently two main categories of VR currently available: mobile (Samsung/Google) and PC (Oculus). Facebook believes there is another space in the middle of the spectrum and is working on a cheaper device. Intel is also working a headset called Project Alloy.

Author: Staff Writer

Craig Keefner -- With over 40 years in the industry and technology, Craig is widely considered to be an expert in the field. Major early career kiosk projects include Verizon Bill Pay kiosk and hundreds of others. Craig helped start kioskmarketplace and formed the KMA. Note the point of view here is not necessarily the stance of the Kiosk Association or kma.global