Table of Contents
Self Service Europe Kiosks Come of Age
It’s easy to think of and see US iterations of self-service, but we Americans often forget (and sometimes dismiss) that Europe is a hotbed for self-service. Counterless kiosk-only restaurants are the norm, and instead of 3 or 4 kiosks, you can see 10-15. (In the US, see McDonald’s Counterless with only Self-Order Kiosks (with Cash, too).) Other examples include lockers (see lunchtime in China video).
Europe self-service is something to watch! Pretty easy to watch the big companies like McDonald’s, Yum Foods, Inspire and others. And we think US companies at that point. Worth noting KFC has over 30,000 restaurants worldwide. Less than 4000 in the US. Everybody likes chicken apparently 🙂 From
Our tagline — Europe – Are they Behind or Ahead in Self-Service? The US seems to be falling behind Europe and China for that matter. All the cool stuff is there. I know there is residual US pride at play but best to get over it and get with it. Competition is good!
Europe has consistently led in technology and design. We examine primary design and technology advances in Europe. Today, we look at m4b in Poland and also Acrelec in Italy. Europe has also embraced “counterless”. Instead of counters with 4 or 5 kiosks, they tend to do no counters and 15-20 kiosks. Looking for examples of COB displays being used in drive-thru outdoor. Europe leads the way there as well. European providers also utilize Chinese manufacturing much more than “Made in USA” stuff. Acrelec, for example, has facilities in China.
Europe has always led in technology and design. We examine major design and technology advances in Europe.
- Actual AI drive-thru technology that works and isn’t just “talked about” for stock price.
- Innovative outdoor designs
- Counterless – Employee Free Zones
- Next generation menu boards
- SCO Self Checkout
Part I – Poland
Pictures from Poland
We’ll start with pictures from Poland. We are not going to show a few things which provide distinct competitive advantage. These are from
- Click for full image — Different size for LED menu boards
Videos from Poland
AI Voice Ordering
Putting Together a KFC
Resources & Brochures from Poland
ACRELEC and Spain