Tag Archives: marijuana kiosks

Marijuana Vending Machine Accepts Bitcoin

American Green has created a marijuana vending machine that accepts Bitcoin. Source: bitcoinist.net http://bitcoinist.net/american-green-builds-worlds-first-marijuana-vending-machine-accepts-bitcoin/ Before long these things are going to serve up a DVD along with a slice of pizza and a coke to go with everything. ย I am not sure about Bitcoin. ย The units look to be renderings. PostCounter: 1,823

Marijuana Kiosk & Cannabis

As marijuana legalization continues to spread, the marijuana kiosk is helping to simplify and secure the sales process. By Richard Slawsky contributor Just two years into the stateโ€™s experiment in the legalization of marijuana for recreational use, Colorado businesses are on track see more than $1.3 billion in revenue from the sale of weed and related products. Thatโ€™sโ€ฆ Read More »

Cannabis Cash

Cannabis Cash Management Kiosk By Craig Keefner Sep 18, 2015: Living in Colorado like I do, it makes a lot of sense for me to do a bit of an update on the budding (or blooming) cannabis industry. ย Speaking for myself and from what I see Denver has quickly graduated into the big hub status. Only Donald Trumpโ€ฆ Read More »

Marijuana kiosk – the next self service revolution?

Marijuana Kiosk Next Self Service Revolution Source: kioskmarketplace Excerpt: The effort to legalize marijuana for medicinalย or recreational usage has been long, but it is finally bearing fruit. Marijuana is legal for recreational use in Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Colorado and the District of Columbia. However, banks refuse to deal with the marijuana industry becauseย cannabisย remains on the federal list ofโ€ฆ Read More »

Marijuana kiosk – Creating a cash-accepting marijuana kiosk

KioWare, Crane Payment and Olea team up in the cannabis market

Source: www.cpbj.com

KioWare is writing the software for the kiosk while California-based Olea Kiosks Inc. is designing and manufacturing the actual kiosk. Malvern-based Crane Payment Innovations is designing equipment for handling money inside the kiosk.


“I look at it like the kiosks that are coming into the fast food industry now,” said Frank Olea, CEO at Olea. “You place your order yourself on an electric board, and you take the receipt to the front counter where they hand you your food. That’s how it works.”


Read full article. It’s very good.

Cannabis Kiosks – Even Weed Industry Isn’t Safe From Automation

The cannabis industry’s unique financial difficulties have created a whole micro-industry dedicated to creative banking solutions for pot brokers, which range frombank-to-bank phone apps to blockchain powered peer-to-peer transactions

Source: motherboard.vice.com

KIND is not the only software and/or compliance company to be thinking about cannabis kiosks—Jane and KioWare are two other companies that also want to use automated kiosks as a solution to the cannabis industry’s financial problems. Even Jamaica’s Cannabis Licensing Authority is on the kiosk train and wants to install weed kiosks in Jamaica’s airports. Yet with KIND’s recent partnership with Microsoft to provide cannabis tracking solutions for governments, Dinenberg thinks that KIND definitely has the leg up on competition.