Tag Archives: bitcoin kiosk

Sports Betting, Bitcoin and Crypto – Has It’s Time Come?

Crypto Can Be a Positive, Disruptive Force.” Kiosk Manufacturer Kenneth Larsen Explores How the Industry Can Prepare for Sports Betting’s Next Revolution Introduction As of February 2025, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are increasingly used in the sports betting industry, including for betting machines. As cryptocurrency adoption continues to soar, Kenneth Larsen, CEO of KT Group, warns that the… Read More »

Payment Tech – Crane CPI

New Member Crane CPI Here is the main kiosk website — https://www.cranepi.com/en/self-service-kiosks – For contacts we recommend Ron Turlington. Super smart long time. Worth noting Crane has “returned”.  One of the original charter members they had some reorganizations and we lost our champion so to speak.  But they are back! Consumers want fast, flexible solutions that keep them… Read More »

Marijuana Vending Machine Accepts Bitcoin

American Green has created a marijuana vending machine that accepts Bitcoin. Source: bitcoinist.net http://bitcoinist.net/american-green-builds-worlds-first-marijuana-vending-machine-accepts-bitcoin/ Before long these things are going to serve up a DVD along with a slice of pizza and a coke to go with everything.  I am not sure about Bitcoin.  The units look to be renderings. PostCounter: 1,796

Robocoin Selects Fujitsu’s PalmSecure for Bitcoin Kiosks

  Robocoin to use Fujitsu PalmSecure biometric authentication as part of their global network of Bitcoin kiosks. Robocoin CEO to deliver Keynote at ATM Source: www.businesswire.com We are very excited that a cutting-edge company like Robocoin in the burgeoning bitcoin space would select Fujitsu’s PalmSecure biometrics technology for positive authentication of their account holders,” according to Randy Fox,… Read More »

BitOcean Releases Two-Way Kiosks to Compete with Bitcoin ATM

CoinDesk BitOcean Releases Two-Way Kiosks to Compete with Bitcoin ATM Market Leaders CoinDesk The new machines – the second generation developed by the Beijing-based company – are two-way kiosks, meaning they enable users to buy and sell bitcoins,… Source: www.coindesk.com BitOcean has priced its machine at $10,000 per unit, placing it mid-way between the popular Lamassu ($5,000) and Robocoin… Read More »

Bitcoin ATM News – How Trump became bitcoin’s unlikely savior

As bitcoin’s spotlight fades and banks work to adapt its underlying blockchain technology for more traditional uses, it seemed that the world was ready to move on from the infamous cryptocurrency. And then Donald Trump was elected president of the U.S.

Source: www.paymentssource.com

Premise is that one Trump consequence is the blocking of more traditional money transfers will drive users to alternative mechanisms like Bitcoin.  I think Bitcoin is might be desperately optimistic if it is counting on Trump following thru with a blockade.  I think it more posture than possible.

Denver Area’s First Bitcoin ATM Kiosk

>PRWEB.COM Newswire Source: www.digitaljournal.com The company says their kiosk attendants are ready to help throughout the transaction process. That includes clearing up common misconceptions surrounding bitcoin, and explaining security risks; even sending a micro transaction to a new user’s wallet demonstrating the ease and speed of transactions on the bitcoin network. Also, according to Berger, “the opportunity to… Read More »