F&I documents, vehicle sales agreements, brochures and more, we all know that dealerships are businesses that rely heavily on printed products.
Source: www.autoremarketing.com
The company has made NFTouch available in a variety of dealer packages. FRG shared the base package for the product includes four “wheel” kiosks (digital stands next to a showroom vehicle) and a showroom Master kiosk (which provides discount coupons, showcases campaigns, monthly features and specials). The Digital Wheel Stand allows the sales manager to instantly change vehicle pricing and offers.
The packages are customized in an effort to suit dealer needs, and the kiosks are leased over a set term, with delivery and installation within 60 days of ordering.
And for shoppers that might not have made it to the dealership within store hours; they can receive information, as well. The company also offers an After-Hours kiosk, which sits just inside the dealership window and works through glass.