Browser and PC Lockdowns Reason for Existence – Fortnite

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Feb2020 – We hear it all the time from the IT departments. “We can handle that situation”. We applaud the confidence but we continue to be entertained by photos like below where semi-determined users take advantage of that confidence in order to entertain themselves at your local self-service checkout kiosk. We have many photos like this you can run by your IT department. For reference we used to work and manage a large IT department. We said the same things and suffered the inevitable fate later.
Our recommendation is to at the very least delineate the capabilities of kiosk software that KioWare or Sitekiosk provide. At least catalog potential operational requirements. Better yet buy a copy and have your IT wizards provide the same functions. It’s all they do and they do it well. We suspect your IT department has a multitude of issues to focus on. Specific expertise and continued support and modifications are likely not their primary functions.
Thanks to Frank at Olea Kiosks for bringing to our attention.
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