Turnkey Bill Payment Kiosk Solution
Excerpt: Kiosks that handle cash and other forms of payment are the most complex of self service kiosk designs. Don’t trust just anyone to design and manufacture your next financial service kiosk. Led by Olea Kiosks we work with best-in-class partners to bring you a complete bill payment solution.
Payment Solutions cover a large range of situations from the simple purchase to more complex deployments.
We offer three different base + custom models for bill payment.
Underbanked, non-banked and the kiosk industry
Payment Kiosk Franklin Olea PDF Brochure
Bill Payment Functionality Examples
Centralized electronic bill presentment and payment portal for customers of the city.
– Provide custom API’s or batch process to support non-integrated systems.
– Provide self-service abilities such as AutoPay, interactive pay by text, interactive email, and scheduled payment sign-ups.
– Provide the ability to pre-authorized payments including sending a notification for expiring credit cards and utilize available database from visa and Mastercard. Manage rejected payments, sending notification to the customer and notifying city staff.
– Provide self-service to start or stop utility service or edit customer information on the existing utility account. Or automatically generate orders for the agency and provide an upload process for ownership and lease documents.
– Customer service rep assisted IVR capability. Provide the ability to track a customer’s call in-progress when passed to IVR for payment and assist customer needs if they need CSR (customer service rep) assistance.
– Ability to send friendly reminders, courtesy interactive email notifications, and SMS text to accounts with a balance due.
– Automatic account linking for customers with multiple accounts, including linking of different bill types in a single customer view.
– View multiple bills with a ‘consolidated’ view.
– Single payment capability for multiple bills and multiple bill types, and correct application of relevant service fees.
– Provide an itemized detailed receipt where one or multiple services are being paid for, and indicate where service fees are being charged to the customer.
– Provide the ability to make payments via Web, Mobile, IVR, Kiosks, and POS systems.
– Reconciliation and reporting capabilities. Create adhoc and custom reports during the implementation phase to meet our requirements.
– Implementation services.
– On-going technical support and maintenance of the portal site.
– Detailed reporting for fee statements and the most efficient solution for charging fees.
– Flexible solution allowing the city to absorb credit card fees for most transactions and pass along credit card fees for selected transactions.
– Product and solution will be in compliance with city-specific rules governing transaction fees or service fees.
– Allow the following transaction types: Credit Card, Debit, Check, Cash, ACH, and trust account payments.
– Portal shall provide for payments and funds from different departments to be directly deposited into proper city account with unique identifiers to ensure that the funds are appropriately credited to the respective accounts.
– Handle dispute resolution and repudiation for non-ACH transactions.
– PCI Level 1 compliance and other information security standards.
– Allow point-of-sale (POS) transactions in various locations across multiple departments to include cashier stations, wireless transactions (kiosks) and portable device card transactions for use in the field. Provide necessary equipment for these services.
– Provide necessary equipment for these services.
– Provide citizen mobile application for web portal (iPhone, Android, tablet device, etc.) or provide mobile adaptive website
– Provide continuous availability of web portal with system redundancy and “up-time” guarantees or contingencies.
– Help desk and assistance point of contact for both the citizens or users of the portal and city administrators and accounting personnel.
– Provide the ability to utilize chip technology or develop in the future.
(2) Contract term will be one year.
Bill Payment News Release — Here is preliminary presss release on the Franklin
Olea Kiosks Introduces The Franklin Bill Pay Kiosk
LOS ANGELES, Calif., October 9, 2019 — Olea Kiosks of Los Angeles welcomes the Franklin Bill Pay kiosk as the newest addition to its self-service line-up. This secure and versatile kiosk is built to handle payments of any kind, anywhere.
The Franklin Bill Pay kiosk has the ability to accept and dispense dollar bills, dispense coins, read checks and take credit card payments. Because it’s a modular solution, it can be customized in a number of pre-designed configurations which make it easy to deploy in situations with first to market opportunities or where time is of the essence.
This kiosk was introduced for those industries that still have a high number of cash-paying customers. “In the past, cash-handling kiosks were very costly to deploy, but with this solution, we’ve implemented some standardizations, which makes complete self-service operation attainable,” explained Frank Olea, CEO of Olea Kiosks. The unit can be equipped with several different models of bill acceptors and dispensers to accommodate all manufacturers and compatibility with almost any software application.
The Franklin is perfect for any cash-paying application including Bill Payment, Retail Transactions, Ticketing, Food Ordering, and Hotel Check-in which makes it an ideal candidate for casinos as they can deploy the same look and feel across a number of different guest services. (if we can get the Casino page updated we can link it here)
The Franklin will be on display at the JCM Global booth 4039, at Global Gaming Expo (G2E) in Las Vegas, October 15 to 17. Olea Kiosks can also be seen at work in a number of other booths demonstrating a range of applications including player loyalty, player games and tournaments, betting applications and food ordering. You can find more information here:
About Olea Kiosks:
Olea Kiosks Inc., is a Los Angeles-based self-service kiosk manufacturer in business since 1975. Its technologically advanced, in-house manufacturing and services have made it an industry leader.
For more information, visit https://www.olea.com/.
Major Bill Pay Kiosks Projects Background
Verizon Bill Pay Kiosk (original manufacturer KIOSK)
AT&T Mobile Bill Payment Kiosk (original manufacturer KIOSK)
Comcast Cable Payment (original manufacturer KIOSK)