Tag Archives: Kiosk Hall of Fame

Kiosk Hall of Fame honors those that have distinguished themselves in the industry, usually over 20 years.

Kiosk Hall of Fame Inductees 2017

Kiosk Hall of Fame 2017 NEXTEP SYSTEMS, OLEA, Netshift, and other kiosk companies represented in 2017 Kiosk Hall of Fame inductions EASTLAKE, Colo., June 22, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — The Kiosk Industry Association is proud to announce the 2017 Hall of Fame inductees.  This year our inductees are Tommy Woycik of NEXTEP SYSTEMS, Traci Martin of Olea Kiosks, Ben Wheeler, Nigel Seed (UK) and James Vande Castle is the media inductee. Posthumous inductees… Read More »

Kiosk Hall of Fame Nominations Being Accepted

Periodically, the Kiosk Industry Group inducts new Hall of Fame members. Nominations are now being accepted. Inductees will be announced at DSE in Las Vegas in March 2017.

Source: pressreleasejet.com

This year the Association is including a special recognition category for media and the writers, editors and tradeshow producers who have contributed to industry. Our current candidates include: James Vande Castle, Kiosk Magazine, and Mary Carlin, Edgell Publications. Also included is a special posthumous recognition for James Bickers, who died in October 2016. Bickers was among the first editors of Kiosk Marketplace and the creator and founding editor of Digital Signage Today.