Temperature Kiosk Video – Voice Controlled COVID-19 Screening

By | August 23, 2020
temperature kiosk health check

CheckPoint Temperature Kiosk FAQ

Here is the FAQ for the KioskGroup Checkpoint Solution

What is CheckPoint Kiosk?

CheckPoint Kiosk is a non-thermal camera, health screening kiosk that allows you to easily screen employees and visitors with a simple set of health questions. After screening, a date-stamped badge is printed for easy identification within your facility.

Does the kiosk include thermal temperature screening?

No. CheckPoint does not include thermal temperature screening and instead asks the user a series of questions to determine their risk level. Since thermal cameras have not been proven completely reliable and many infected people are asymptomatic, the CheckPoint kiosk depends on CDC-approved screening questions.

How can I tell if someone has passed screening?

After successful screening, a date-stamped badge is printed with the day of the week, date, and time in large text. Everyone in your facility must wear a badge with the current day clearly showing at all times.

How are new visitors coming in notified of the screening requirement?

Anyone coming into your building is instructed to stop for screening by the large graphic panel mounted on the rear of the kiosk. We recommend placing the kiosk close to the front entrance in a position where it cannot be missed.

Is any identifying data stored about the person being screened?

No. US employment law tightly regulates how health data of employees is stored and managed. While emergency exceptions have been carved out during the current pandemic, these exceptions are not clearly defined and can expose a business to significant liability.

How many kiosks do I need?

You will most likely need a kiosk for every entrance into your facility. If you have a high volume of employees or visitors entering at a single time, you may want to consider additional kiosks to expedite screening and encourage social distancing. You may choose to limit alternate entrances while running screening and instruct people coming into your facility to use one or more primary entrances. If you need a way to direct individuals to these entrances, we offer custom printed signage as an optional add-on.

Will voice-recognition work in noisy environments?

Voice-recognition requires that the iPad’s microphone can clearly distinguish the user’s voice from background noise. Noisy environments can interfere with recognition. In this case, the user can touch the on-screen answers. A 1 hand sanitizer pump bottle is mounted on the kiosk if users wish to sanitize their hands after interacting with the screen. If you are installing CheckPoint in a noisy environment where voice recognition is unlikely to be successful, please notify us when ordering so we can provide a version of the software and signage that removes the voice activation feature.

How long does screening take?

Initial screening generally takes less than one minute. As employees become more familiar with the questions, this time decreases to 30 seconds or less.

What questions are asked during screening?

After asking the user to agree to wear a mask and practice social distancing within the facility, CheckPoint asks each individual about fever, symptoms, and possible exposure. A complete set of questions and the decision tree can be reviewed here.

Individuals are deemed to be high-risk if they:

● have had a fever over 100.4° F (38.0° C) or used any medicine to reduce a fever in the last 24 hours
● have had symptoms associated with COVID-19 in the last 14 days, including fever or feeling feverish (chills, sweating), new cough, difficulty breathing, sore throat, muscle aches or body aches, vomiting, diarrhea, or new loss of taste or smell and symptom onset was less than 10 days ago or symptoms are not improving
● have reason to believe that they been exposed to or acquired COVID-19 in the last 14 days, This is in line with current CDC guidelines and will be updated if that guidance changes.

Can I customize the questions?

No. Questions are based on the current Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommendations for health screening and discontinuance of isolation for individuals showing symptoms. However, messages shown when a person fails screening can be customized (see below for details).

Will the questions be updated when Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidance changes?

Yes. We are monitoring the CDC’s website and will update questions automatically when their recommendations change.

What happens when a visitor or employee fails screening?

A label is printed with instructions on what the person should do next. The text shown and printed can be customized separately for visitors and employees and updated from within the app’s settings.

How much does each kiosk cost?

The price per kiosk is $4,195 US plus tax and includes shipping anywhere in the continental United States.

Do you offer volume discounts?

Discounts are available for single purchase orders over 50 units. Please contact [email protected] for special volume pricing incentives.

How do I pay for the kiosk?

Contact a Kiosk Group Sales professional at [email protected] to start the process. Our experienced representatives will send you a form to get required information. Upon receipt of that information, we will send a complete quote outlining all of the solution details, pricing and tax. You can accept and pay online, call our office at 301-732-4629 x116 to provide your credit card over the phone, or pay via ACH (with bank information will be provided upon request).

What components are included?

The CheckPoint kiosk includes:
● Roo printer kiosk – steel enclosure with durable silver powder coat paint finish; rear keyed-lock access for full-front printer label replenishment.
● 10.2 “ iPad enclosure with microphone access grill – black textured ABS construction for easy cleaning, secure toolhead lock located beneath enclosure for easy removal if needed
● Star Micronics TSP743II Bluetooth printer – high speed for commercial use
● Roll of label stock (900 labels)
● Sanitizer pump bottle for hand sanitizer (hand sanitizer gel not included)
● Disposal bin for printed label backing
● Rear-mounted sign with easy-to-understand instructions
● Power strip for standard power outlet
● QuickStart instructions + hardware kit
● Packaging with pallet & shipping within the continental US

A 10.2-inch iPad with Retina display, 32 GB of storage, and WiFi is included as a separate one-year lease with options to renew leasing if continuing to use CheckPoint or buy out at the end of use for a $1 payment.

While this is structured as a lease, you are under no obligation to return the tablet to Kiosk Group.

The CheckPoint software is included as a separate annual subscription and requires the iPad to be leased from Kiosk Group for installation and use. Pay-In-Advance 2-year software incentive – pay for 2 years now, save $300 per unit, 2 nd year software renewal subscription fee only $695.

Additional coverage for the printer and tablet are available as optional add-ons.

Why must the iPad be leased from Kiosk Group?

The CheckPoint kiosk comes with software pre-installed and ready to go out of the box. To provision and manage the iPad tablet, we use Apple’s Device Enrollment Program (DEP) and mobile
device management software. In addition, the CheckPoint app is distributed as a Custom B2B app through Apple Business Manager (ABM). Apple’s terms for these programs clearly state that Kiosk Group must retain ownership of the iPad while it is enrolled in our DEP or has the CheckPoint app installed.

What happens at the end of the iPad lease or when I no longer want to use CheckPoint?

If you want to continue to use CheckPoint screening, you will need to renew the existing iPad lease and software subscription. The cost for the annual renewal is currently $995 annually paid in advance. Otherwise, at the end of the lease period or when you choose to no longer use the CheckPoint screening, you can return the iPad or buy out the lease for a $1 payment. After the buyout, the iPad will be released from Kiosk Group’s Device Enrollment Program account, wiped remotely to remove the Checkpoint software and mobile device management profile, and ownership
officially transferred.

What happens if the leased iPad is damaged or lost?

The customer assumes responsibility for the iPad for the full lease term. If the iPad is damaged, lost, or stolen during this period, you must notify Kiosk Group immediately and will be responsible for paying for a replacement if you want to continue to use CheckPoint. Additional AppleCare+ coverage is available as an optional add-on at the time of purchase and covers up to
two incidents of accidental damage with a deductible. See below for details.

I already have my own iPads – can I use these for CheckPoint instead of leasing?

For deployments of more than 100 kiosks, we can optionally set up a separate instance of the CheckPoint app that would be linked to your organization’s Apple Business Manager account. In this instance, you would be responsible for provisioning and managing the iPads on your own.

What am I responsible for providing?

Label stock, liquid hand sanitizer and a WiFi internet connection. While we provide an initial roll of label stock, subsequent refills are the responsibility of the end customer.

Additional cases of 12 rolls (900 labels per roll) can be purchased from Kiosk Group at a cost of $195 per case (approx. $.02/label). The kiosk ships with an empty pump bottle for hand sanitizer. Purchasing hand sanitizer to fill this bottle or replacing it with a new bottle is also the responsibility of the customer. If you do not want to offer hand sanitizer, the sanitizer mounting kit can be removed from the kiosk at any point.

Is an internet connection required?

Yes. CheckPoint is a hosted solution, which means an internet connection is required for use. If you do not have a reliable WiFi signal where the kiosk is to be placed, we can provide a kit to connect the iPad to wired Ethernet for an additional fee.

Can I customize the printed badges?

Pre-printed label stock can be used with CheckPoint if you want the badge to show your organization’s logo or imagery at the top of the badge. Please contact us to discuss how much of the label can be pre-printed and arrange for the alternate badge layout required.

Can I purchase additional badge labels?

Yes. Additional rolls of badge labels are available in cases of 12 rolls (with 900 labels per roll) for $195 per case.

Can I customize the graphic panel that comes with the kiosk?

Custom graphics for the rear panel are available for an additional $129 each.

Can the kiosk be set up outside?

No. CheckPoint kiosks are designed for indoor use and are not weather-proof.

How does shipping work?

The kiosk is shipped fully assembled on a pallet with protective packaging. The graphic panel packaged separately, ready to attach and set in place for plug-and-play operation. A QuickStart guide for connecting to power and WiFi, loading label stock into the printer and attaching the rear sign is also included. Packaging and freight shipping within the continental US are included for loading dock delivery. If a lift gate or indoor delivery is required, there will be an additional $100 fee.

What is required to set up the kiosk?

Software for your CheckPoint kiosk comes pre-installed and configured. For on-site setup, your team will need to:
● attach the graphic signage panel to the kiosk
● fill the provided sanitizer pump bottle or add your own bottle of sanitizer gel
● connect the iPad to power and WiFi
● connect the printer to power and confirm that the printer’s Bluetooth connection to the tablet is working
● launch the CheckPoint app

What tools are required for unpacking and assembly?

(pending answer)

How often does the printer need to be refilled?

Label stock for the printer comes with 900 labels per roll. How frequently this will need to be replaced will depend on traffic at your location. The CheckPoint kiosk opens through a keyed lock at the rear of the enclosure. The front hinges out to provide access to the printer. The top of the kiosk front should be supported with a hand while opening. Nothing has to be removed and changing out label stock should only take a couple of minutes.

Is technical support available?

We provide complete documentation for setting up your CheckPoint kiosk and email support is available weekdays from 9am to 5pm. For questions about the CheckPoint software, please contact [email protected]. For questions about the kiosk enclosure and hardware components, please contact [email protected]. For repairs or warranty coverage for the tablet or the thermal label printer, Kiosk Group will provide email contacts through our support portal once a ticket is opened. Please email [email protected] for instructions.

What warranty is provided?

There is a one-year warranty on all items manufactured by Kiosk Group, including the kiosk enclosure and graphics. The tablet and all peripherals are provided with the manufacturer’s warranty only. Additional support and warranty coverage is available for each as an optional add-on. All software is provided as-is. If voice recognition is not possible in your facility due to background noise, an alternate version of the software without voice recognition will be provided. Graphic panels without the voice activation indicator are available for $129 each or can be substituted on request for the standard panel at the time of purchase for no additional charge.

Is additional support & warranty coverage available for the tablet and/or printer?
Optional Swap-a-Star Printer Replacement – for $69 additional per unit, your kiosk can be registered with our printer partner, Star Micronics, who will be the printer replacement depot for your kiosk for 24 months from date of purchase. If a new printer is required after troubleshooting any printer issues, Star Technical Support will drop-ship a replacement printer to your location overnight. This coverage can only be added at time of purchase and is linked to the serial number associated with the printer.

Optional AppleCare+ Coverage – for $169 additional per unit, AppleCare+ extends your iPad warranty coverage to 24 months and includes up to two incidents of accidental damage coverage. Each incident is subject to a service fee of $49, plus applicable tax. AppleCare+ also adds 24/7 priority access to Apple experts by chat or phone. This coverage can only be added at time of purchase and is linked to the serial number associated with the iPad. This coverage is transferred along with ownership at the end of the lease.

What is the return policy for the kiosk?

Due to the current business environment, CheckPoint kiosks are not returnable. All sales are final.

Billing information needed:

● Company Name
● Contact name, phone number and email address
● Please note the information above must match the billing and contact information on your credit card. You may also pay by ACH.
● Billing street, city, state, zip code

Delivery address:
● Company Name
● Contact name, phone number and email address
● Shipping street, building number, etc.
● City, state, zip code
● Indicate whether tax-exempt or not and provide a copy of your tax exempt certificate.

Author: Staff Writer

Craig Keefner -- With over 40 years in the industry and technology, Craig is widely considered to be an expert in the field. Major early career kiosk projects include Verizon Bill Pay kiosk and hundreds of others. Craig helped start kioskmarketplace and formed the KMA. Note the point of view here is not necessarily the stance of the Kiosk Association or kma.global