Category Archives: Accessibility Kiosk

Accessibility Kiosk

Are your kiosks ADA-compliant? Typically prospects and customers will include a stipulation that the units be ADA-compliant.  We see many requests for proposals from city, state and federal agencies where that one line is the only line about ADA.

Section 508 and the ACAA only apply to federal correct?  The long answer is No [see Accessibility FAQ on]. They apply to everybody.

Almost all kiosks are ADA-compliant, to a degree. Most all likely will observe basic reach requirements but that is only one of over 30 standing regulations concerning hardware. And there are another 30 or so which apply to the software and interface.

Airport Kiosk – FTE Trade Show In Vegas

Storm Interface & Future Travel Experience (FTE) By Craig Keefner — See Storm’s entire range of Assistive Technology Products (ATP) and find out more about exciting new product launches scheduled for later this year. These ATP devices are ADA compliant and RNIB Accredited, designed to offer menu navigation by means of audible content description. They allow users with… Read More »

AudioEye – New Sponsor specializing in Accessibility

AudioEye Now KMA Sponsor & Joins ADA Accessibility Committee We want to thank AudioEye for becoming a sponsor of the Kiosk Manufacturer Association. AudioEye is also now a member of the KMA Accessibility Committee. About AudioEye AudioEye works with companies to ensure their digital content is accessible to users of all abilities. Approximately 15-percent of the world’s population has… Read More »

ADA and Accessibility Quiz and MCR Guidelines for ADA

Self Service ADA Accessibility Requirements and Quiz Kiosk Industry and KMA are offering a free consultation for ADA and Accessibility for your self-service project.  Also to assist, a downloadable PDF with current ADA, Section 508 and ACA regulations that are currently mandated. Excerpt below — Are your kiosks ADA-compliant? Typically prospects and customers will include a stipulation that… Read More »

Accessibility kiosk news — M-Enabling Summit Arlington in October

Kiosk Accessibility News See m-enabling website — The Kiosk Manufacturer Association is an exhibitor and sponsor for the upcoming Summit. In Brief Keynote — Sachin Dev Pavithran, Ph.D. Executive Director U.S. Access Board Sponsors – Google, AT&T, Verizon, Microsoft, Amazon, HP and KMA Health Protocols — GREEN (exceeds CDC) Expected attendees –  250 to 500 high level attendees… Read More »

Web Accessibility – WCAG 3.0 Working Draft Released by W3C

WCAG 3.0 Working Draft Released by W3C Editors Note — With the non-negotiable requirements for web access for customers to order, the “website” has taken on even more importance and is now a critical component of company success. Getting sued for a lack of accessibility is not one of the outcomes you want.  Complicate matters with which platform… Read More »