Category Archives: Tablets

Windows and Android Kiosk with Remote Monitoring

KioWare Analytical Design Solutions Inc. (ADSI), the parent company of KioWare, has been in business since 1991 providing client/server database and web development consulting services. The maturin… Source: Kioware feature article on kiosk industry.  Along with full Windows versions, Kioware has 3rd gen Android clients with remote monitoring and alerts. Feature support such as ChromeCast. Postsr: 1,758

TGI Fridays partners with Microsoft on tablet kiosks

TGI Fridays has completed a six-city pilot in Texas and Minnesota, and it will deploy the tablets in 80 additional restaurants, with more than 2,000 tablets by March Source: The devices use Windows 8.1, running Oracle’s MICROS Restaurant Enterprise Solution (RES) 5.4 on Oracle’s MICROS mTablet E-Series mobile point of sale devices.  Postsr: 1,913

TGI Fridays test new tablet and kiosk technologies

Casual-dining chain’s tests tablets; burger brand tests kiosks, supplier Microsoft says Source: Fridays’ tablet test uses new “Fridays Service Style” technology based on Windows 8.1 with Oracle’s MICROS Restaurant Enterprise Solution (RES) 5.4 on the Dell Venue mTablet E-Series mobile point-of-sale devices, the Redmond, Wash.-based software company said. Postsr: 1,878

iPad Tablet – Apple, IBM to give 5 million iPads to Japanese seniors

Apple, extending its partnership with IBM, will also collaborate on apps to improve the wellness and connectivity of elderly people, starting in Japan. Source: The iPads will be preloaded with custom apps designed for the elderly by IBM, such as software that provides reminders and alerts about medications, exercise and diet and help accessing community activities, grocery… Read More »

Holiday shopping season malware targeting

New sophisticated software takes advantage of lack of end-to-end encryption in many retailer backends and getting card data, including EMV, from consumers. Cyber criminals never sleep.


This new ModPOS malware has taken advantage of a flaw in the internal in-store processing of debit and credit transactions still using magnetic stripes as well as using the new EMV Chip and Pin cards; the processing flaw, now known to the retail industry, is that the internal processing systems utilized by many major retailers does not support end-to-end encryption, and does not also properly encrypt data in memory, allowing that data to be captured and sent to distant cyber crooks. According to iSIGHT, “Criminals can then reuse card data, even from EMV cards, to make online (card-not-present) transactions.”

Tithing Kiosk – Moorhead church sets up ‘Giving Kiosk’

It’s the season of giving and as you look for that spare change in your pocket or purse, a local church is providing another option for you to give.


And the kiosk has been more than successful.

“Out of our overall giving, over 40% is digitally,” Dornfeld says. “Either through our giving kiosk or people that have it automatically coming out of their checking or their savings or their credit cards. Couple times a month, monthly or however else they want to do it.”

CrossChx debuts Queue electronic check-in for hospitals

Fast-growing Columbus startup CrossChx Inc. this week debuted Queue, a digital check-in system for hospital waiting rooms that reduced wait times by 80 percent at test hospitals. It synchronizes with the company’s system for securely uniting and correcting a patient’s medical records linked to a fingerprint. Next year the company plans a mobile health-data app, all towards creating an “Internet” for health records with each patient serving as an IP address.
