McDonalds “Next” Concept for Hong Kong

By | February 14, 2016
A row of McDonalds Next self-service kiosks features vibrant digital screens displaying tempting food images and menu options. A person stands to the left, engaged with one of the kiosks in the well-lit shopping mall setting, complete with polished floors.

McDonalds Kiosks “Next” Concept for Hong Kong

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Excerpts and photos

Upon entering one is directed to ordering kiosks or to registers. While one may order regular items from the kiosks the benefit is to secure the waiter service and a lit numbered disc, (used at other quick served restaurants). The benefit is to serve not just the burger fans, but health conscious and vegetarians as well. One can order the specialty made salads that feature couscous and quinoa along with asparagus and chicken breasts. An open kitchen is presented to all patrons to observe.

A short time after we seated ourselves for dinner the waiter arrived to retrieve the disc and to present our food and inquire if there was anything else he could provide. In terms of the quality, both the custom made Angus burger and the salad were above the usual McDonald’s quality as the choices of cheeses, bread, and toppings were unique. All salads were removed from McDonald’s in Hong Kong a few years ago as a result of a supply quality issue. As such, this was our guest’s first salad of any type at McDonald’s in years. It was quite fresh and nutritious with a choose of salad dressings. The fries were the same quality as usual, with no issues. The presentation in a wire basket added to the presentation and music was piped in for ambiance. Charging stations for tablets and phones, etc. at each booth were provided, but on both visits were not working. Sixty minutes free WIFI service is provided which is now prevalent in almost all Hong Kong McDonald’s at this time.

Overall, it was a good experience and worth the repeated visits. Our lunchtime companion believed it was overpriced but the environment at lunch may have had something to do with his outlook. We expect to return to try the other items from the menu but would most likely visit either during an evening or later in the afternoon after the lunchtime crush.

Author: Staff Writer

Craig Keefner -- With over 40 years in the industry and technology, Craig is widely considered to be an expert in the field. Major early career kiosk projects include Verizon Bill Pay kiosk and hundreds of others. Craig helped start kioskmarketplace and formed the KMA. Note the point of view here is not necessarily the stance of the Kiosk Association or